The first trials of the malaria vaccine begin in Malabo

March 16th, 2015


On 7 March, the successful vaccination of the first three volunteers for the malaria vaccine took place in Equatorial Guinea. This vaccine, known as PfSPZ, has been under development for two years, led by the American biotechnology company Sanaria which specialises in malaria research. It is considered to be one of the most advanced prospects in the continuing efforts to end this disease. The team involved in the trial launch included staff from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ifakara Health Institute in Tanzania, the La Paz Medical Centre in Sipopo, and Sanaria.Malaria2

The launch of these trials is of great historical and social significance given the complex and deadly nature of the malaria virus, and the wide geographical spread that the virus affects. Equatorial Guinea is launching this vaccine with support from the Government, through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy. Also supporting the development and roll-out of the vaccine are the Program for Malaria NGO and private companies in Equatorial Guinea such as Marathon, Noble Energy, Atlantic Methanol and EG LNG.

This first trial will continue over the next year with additional injections for the volunteers, as well as further follow-up consultations.

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