Equatorial Guinea to host international conference on Ebola in July 2015

July 3rd, 2015

09.06.2015 (updated 15.07.2015)


Sipopo Conference Centre, Malabo

From 20-21 July, Equatorial Guinea will host the first International Conference on Ebola at the Sipopo Conference Centre in Malabo. The slogan of the conference is “Africa helping Africans in the Ebola Recovery and Reconstruction”, demonstrating the spirit of the conference which seeks to fully harness African potential and values to complement the work of international development institutions against Ebola.

A number of heads of state and government from the African Union’s 54 member countries will be in attendance at the conference, alongside various ministers of Health, Finance and Foreign Affairs from across the continent. Participating international institutions include the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations, among others. Attendees will work together to create a global policy to combat Ebola and other endemic diseases in Africa, ensuring that national health system are well-equipped to take action against such outbreaks in the future.

More information on the event can be found on the African Union website: http://pages.au.int/ebola/events/international-conference-africa%E2%80%99s-fight-against-ebola-%E2%80%9Cafrica-helping-africans-ebola-re

For the full programme, please click here.

For participants in the conference, please click here for an informative guide on the logistics of the conference (in Spanish). This includes content on reserving hotels, organising transportation and obtaining visas (if applicable).

Image via guineaecuatorialpress.com