Equatorial Guinea seeks World Bank’s support for improving its investment climate

July 3rd, 2015


MitogoMitogoThe Government of Equatorial Guinea has asked for the support of the World Bank as the country seeks to further improve and streamline the current investment climate. This proposal would see the facilitation of greater inward investment as well as an easing of the regulations for setting up a business in Equatorial Guinea.

Alfredo Mitogo Mitogo Ada, Minister of Commerce and Business Development, said that the country would like to cooperate with the World Bank on this programme as Equatorial Guinea moves forward with the implementation of the Horizon 2020 National Development Plan. The Plan seeks to diversify the economy, create jobs and generate greater wealth which would be further aided by the proposed “one-stop shop” process for companies looking to register in Equatorial Guinea.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6706 and here (in Spanish): http://eldia.es/agencias/8185969-GUINEA-ECUATORIAL-BANCO-MUNDIAL-Malabo-pide-apoyo-Banco-Mundial-mejorar-clima-inversion

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com