Webinar on investment opportunities in Equatorial Guinea takes place in the United Kingdom



UKTIOn 29 July, UK Trade and Investment, in conjunction with the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom, hosted a webinar on investment opportunities for British businesses in Equatorial Guinea.

As Equatorial Guinea moves forward with its implementation of the Horizon 2020 National Development Plan, inward investment will be key to achieving the Plan’s objectives through promoting greater industrial diversification in the country. In particular, the opportunities for British companies in the areas of agriculture, fisheries, and professional and financial services. The webinar saw the participation of 71 businesses, ranging from tourism companies to British universities.

This webinar was hosted by Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea to the United Kingdom, H.E. Mrs Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme, and a representative from UKTI. To highlight the experience of British businesses currently operating in Equatorial Guinea, the webinar also included presentations from representatives of Ophir Energy and Luba Freeport.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

Image: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-trade-investment

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