UNESCO visits Malabo ahead of Life Sciences Awards

July 10th, 2014


A delegation from the international body UNESCO is visiting Malabo this week to prepare for the second UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Award for Research in Life Sciences. Mariano Ebang Anguesomo, Permanent Delegate of Equatorial Guinea to UNESCO, has confirmed that the Award will be presented to the winner in Malabo on 15 September.UNESCO

The best scientific and research papers from around the world will be selected by an international panel later this month. The Award is entirely funded by the government of Equatorial Guinea, with the aim of encouraging the international scientific community to seek solutions to devastating diseases that disproportionately affect developing countries. Diseases of particular interest are AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

Read more: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/unesco-delegation-visits-equatorial-guinea-to-prepare-presentation-of-life-sciences-awards-266422581.html