The Summit of the CEMAC stresses its achievements in integration


CEMAC Heads of State
CEMAC Heads of State

The 12th Ordinary Session of the Summit of Heads of State of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), held on May 6 in Libreville (Gabon), has undertaken, among others, the agreements to permit the immediate free circulation of persons within the community territory, and to abandon the creation of an airline. From this date, the Head of State and Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, becomes its President, substituting H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, the President of Gabon.

The 12th Ordinary Session of the Summit of the Heads of State of the CEMAC has had the presence, in addition to H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, host of the conference, with H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of the Congo; H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea; H.E. Idriss Deby Itno, President of the Republic of Chad; H.E. Mahamat Kamoun, Prime Minister, Representative of H.E. Catherine Samba-Panza, Transitional President of the Central African Republic, and H.E. Luc Ayang, President of the Economic and Social Council, Representative of H.E. Paul Biya, President of the Republic of Cameroon.

The official ceremony was marked by the speech of the President of the Commission, Pierre Moussa, who presented the regional context in which this conference is held, characterized by the political and security crisis of the Central African Republic; the terrorist threat of the Boko Haram sect and the drop in the price of the barrel of oil, the principal source of income of nearly all the countries of the CEMAC.

In his intervention, Moussa praised the strength of the integration and listed the achievements reached throughout the process of construction of an integrated space. From this perspective, the results of the reforms in the issue of monetary and economic integration, the common sectoral policies, the Regional Economic Program (PER), the financial mechanism of the community and the tax on community integration (TCI) were highlighted.

The summit began its examination of the subjects with the issues related to peace and safety. In this context, the Heads of State and of Government expressed their thanks for the efforts of the countries of the international community and the people of the Central African Republic for the restoration of peace and safety in this country. They also expressed their deep concern for the attacks of Boko Haram, and decided to support its border countries, Cameroon and Chad.

With respect to the analysis of the subject of the free circulation of persons, the conference decided to apply immediately the Additional Law to it in the territory of the CEMAC. For such purpose, the nationals of community countries will be permitted to travel without visas within the area, but with the identity biometrics card or passport.

In its traditional communication to the Heads of States, after a brief general vision of the economic development of the CEMAC in 2014 and the forecasts for 2015, Lucas Abaga Nchama, Governor of the Bank of the Central African States (BEAC), urged accelerating the economic diversification already started, improving the business environment for putting into practice the PER, and promoting subregional integration.

As for the epidemic of the Ebola virus, the Heads of State and of Government were informed of the community measures adopted to fight it.

In relation to air transportation, taking into account the difficulties in putting into motion a community airline, the leaders decided to abandon the project.

Finally, the Heads of State and of Government unanimously supported the candidature of Kordjé Bedoumra, current Minister of Finances and Budgets of the Republic of Chad, as President of the African Development Bank (AfDB). Furthermore they agreed to take all the measures necessary to resume the regular summits, according to the provisions in effect in the community.

Lastly, the Head of State and Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, substituted his Gabonese counterpart, H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, as President of the CEMAC.

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