The Programme A Fondo and the Red Cross with the most needy


On Saturday 18th June, the presenters of the television programme A Fondo met with representatives of the Equatorial Guinea Red Cross as volunteers, to raise funds and receive food for the most needy.

From early on Saturday, the presenters of A Fondo, together with other volunteers from the Equatorial Guinea Red Cross, stood outside the doors of some supermarkets in Malabo to collect money and food. The collection began at the Martínez Hermanos supermarket.

The General Secretary of the Red Cross and analyst from the A Fondo programme thanked all citizens for their collaboration. “It is a day we will never forget”, he said.

Equally the citizens praised as very positive this solidarity initiative.

The funds and food gathered will be distributed among the most needy, including the victims of fires and floods, among others.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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