Russia backs Equatorial Guinea candidacy for UN Security Council

The President receiving Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy.

The decision was revealed on Thursday 15th September by the Russian Federation Plenipotentiary Extraordinary Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy, during a meeting with the Head of State, S. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, which also served to pass on greetings of friendship sent by the Russian President, H. E. Vladimir Putin, to his Equatoguinean counterpart.

The President receiving Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy.
The President receiving Nikolai L.


During the audience, H. E: Obiang Nguema Mbasogo referred to the next working visit to Malabo by the Special Representative of H. E: Vladimir Putin to Africa and the Middle East, in order to intensify cooperation between the two countries in matters of the economy and finance, among other sectors.

“This was an excellent meeting, very warm and very friendly, with the Equatoguinean Head of State. It is a pleasure for me to pass on to H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo the decision from Moscow to support the candidacy of Equatorial Guinea for the post of non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2017-2019″, said the Russian diplomat, before the press.

Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy also said that Russia was open and available to open close cooperation with Equatoguinean diplomacy, and explained the Moscow’s policy of reform for economic development, within the context of the world economic crisis. Furthermore he welcomed the re-election of H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo as Head of State. “The changes and the development reached by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are very popular in the Russian press”, he concluded.

The audience was attended by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Agapito Mba Mokuy, together with senior officials from the Russian diplomatic headquarters.

On the same day, Thomas Boni Yayi, the former President of the Republic of Benin, also spoke to H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo at the People’s Palace in Malabo. The matters addressed at the meeting were the unity and stability of Africa, together with the crisis, and the fight for the emergence of the continent.

Both also commented on the conflicts affecting some African countries, youth employment, and reforms to the UN Security Council.

Finally Boni Yayi expressed gratitude to the President for the organisation and successful holding of the 5th Assembly of the Forum of African Former Leaders, held in Djibloho.

Text: María Jesús Nsang
Photos: Miguel Ángel Andjimi
(Presidential Press Team)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

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