Presidential Decree naming members of the Government


146672983224/06/2016 Presidential Decree number 62/2016, of 23rd June, naming the remaining members of the Government, in accordance with the provisions of Equatorial Guinea Basic Law.

With the conclusion of the process of the presidential elections, held on April 24th of this year, once sworn in and assuming the position of President of the Republic, in accordance with current legal provisions, and with the aim of complying with the constitutional mandate set out under article 37 paragraph 2 of Basic State Law, and with respect to the circumstances met by this person, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph H of Basic State Law, I hereby name the remaining members of the Government as follows:

1.    Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Missions,  Mr Alejandro Evuna  Owono Asangono.

2.    Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Presidential Security, Mr Antonio Mba Nguema.

3.    Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Regional Integration,  Mr Baltasar Engonga Edjo.

4.    Minister of State Charged with National Security,  Mr Nicolás Obama Nchama.

5.    Minister of State Charged with Tourism,  Mr Tomás Mecheba Fernández Galilea.

6.    Minister General Secretary to the Presidency of the Government,  Mr Baltasar Esono Oworo Nfono.

7.    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,  Mr. Agapito Mba Mokuy.

8.    Minister of Justice, Worship and Penitentiary Institutions,  Ms Evangelina Filomena Oyo Ebule.

9.    Minister for National Defence, Mr Vicente Eya Olomo.

10. Minister of Finance and Budgets,  Mr Miguel Engonga Obiang Eyang.

11. Minister of Education and Science, Mr Jesús Engonga Ndong.

12. Minster of Health and Welfare,  Mr Salomón Nguema Obono.

13. Minister for Public Works and Infrastructure, Mr Pedro Ondo Nguema.

14. Minister for Town Planning, Mr Reginaldo Asue Mangue.

15. Minister for Work, Employment Promotion and Social Security,  Mr Ángel Borico Moisés.

16. Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Mr Víctor Grange Meile.

17. Minster for Fishing and Water Resources,  Mr Estanislao Don Malabo.

18. Minster for Forests and the Environment,  Mr Francisco Mba Olo Bahamonde.

19. Minister for Mines and Hydrocarbons,  Mr Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima.

20. Minister for Industry and Energy, Mr Eugenio Edu Ndong.

21. Minister for Information, Press and Radio, Mr Eugenio Nze Obiang

22. Minister for Social Affairs and Gender Equality,  Ms Consuelo Ondo Nzang.

23. Minister for Transport and the Post Office, Mr Celestino Bonifacio Bacale Obiang.

24. Minster for Telecommunications and New Technologies,  Mr Maximiliano Meko Aveme.

25. Minister for Public Administration and Administrative Reform, Mr Fausto Ndong Esono Eyang.

26. Minister for the Economy, Planning and Public Investment, Mr Eucario Bakale Angüe.

27. Minister for Youth and Sports,  Mr Andrés Jorge Mbomio Nsem Abua

28. Minister for Trade, Mr Antonio Pedro Olivera Boropu.

29. Minister for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Businesses, Mr Hermes Ela Mifumu.

30. Minister for Civil Aviation,  Mr Fausto Abeso Fuma.

31. Minister for Culture and Craft Production, Ms Guillermina Mekuy Mba Obono.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 23rd day of the month of June, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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