Opportunities for investment


egairlineAs economic growth in the country continues, the government of Equatorial Guinea is actively seeking foreign investment and expertise.

Investment and expertise is needed in projects ranging from transport, hospitals, industrial plants and schools, offering a range of incentives and benefits for companies or individuals seeking to invest or work in Equatorial Guinea.

There are over 800 construction projects that will strengthen the country’s infrastructure, promote tourism and investment. These represent a significant opportunity for foreign investors.

These opportunities and more are discussed in a recent webinar, hosted by UKTI and the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea, wherein the fields of agriculture, fisheries, and professional and financial services were highlighted. A recording of the webinar can be found here.

More specific investment opportunities are as follows:

Shipping industry

  • Construction of shipyards and maintenance of ships,
  • Packaging and processing and conservation of sea/seafood products
  • Improvement Industry of salting or smoking of fish
  • Construction of an aquaculture plant

Agriculture sector

  • Creation of a fund for agricultural development
  • Training centres for farmers
  • Investment in new machinery
  • New centre for agriculture technology
  • Export of processing food


  • New hotels and resorts
  • Ecotourism and safaris
  • Water sports
  • Improvement of the transport infrastructure
  • Workshops and trainings in the tourism sector (Human Resources)

Financial sector

  • Improve inter-banks payment
  • Promote new financial infrastructure (financial hub of the region)
  • Establishment of centres for training and management and business schools

For more information on investment opportunities in Equatorial Guinea, please see the Equatorial Guinea Investment Guide 2015.

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