Ophir Energy successfully drills gas out of Block R



Recently discovered gas located in Block R off the shores of Equatorial Guinea has flowed on a drill stem test (DST). The test was carried out at the Fortuna-2 well to assess the deliverability of the Fortuna gas field.Ophir

The estimated flow rate of the field will be of c.180 SCFD (standard cubic feet per day) through a 5” drill pipe, after the DST achieved a flow rate of 60 MMscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) with a minimal drawdown.

The next milestones for the Block R FLNG development will be the agreement of gas fiscal terms and the selection of the consortium to build, own, and operate the project.

Mean recoverable resources for the Fortuna field complex are estimated at over 1.3 TCF (trillion cubic feet).  The first gas is expected to flow in 2019 after the Fiscal Investment Decision in 2016, and the necessary negotiations are expected to take place by the end of this year.

(Image: Ophir Energy)

Further reading at: http://www.oilandgastechnology.net/upstream-news/ophir-heads-towards-flng-development-offshore-equatorial-guinea


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