Native Eye Travel to commence adventure tours in Equatorial Guinea



monteallennationalparkFollowing a series of meetings with Ambassador Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme, Native Eye Travel, a UK-based adventure tours travel company, will be taking its first tour to Equatorial Guinea in January 2016. Ambassador Evuna commented today: “Our government’s development programme, Horizon 2020, has tourism as one of its key pillars. We now have two UK tour operators introducing people to the unique and unspoilt delights of our country.”

Jim O’Brien of Native Eye commented: “Native Eye is not just a business – we live and breathe travel and love the destinations we offer. Equatorial Guinea fits perfectly with our ethos to offer travel at its most exiting, breath-taking, new intriguing and exhilarating. Our Equatorial Guinea tours take you to one of the most unlikely corners of Africa. A tiny nation split between various islands including Bioko and the mainland, tourism is virtually unknown here. The only country in Africa where Spain established a significant presence, it is fast modernising but the remains of Latin colonial architecture still exist in hidden corners, and scrape the surface of contemporary culture and you can find ancient traditional beliefs.”

Native Eye Travel specialises in offering small group tours of no more than twelve people to some of the most unusual and least visited countries in the world. They are not simply a “highlights” type of travel company. In many of the destinations that they operate in, traditional tourist sites are thin on the ground – this is part and parcel of getting off the beaten track. They believe that the best experiences are often to be had from the less-conventional sites where you are not simply one of a crowded and are discovering places and people that may not feature in any guide book. This could mean heading off on dirt tracks to visit a traditional village, exploring a forgotten temple in the jungle or being a guest at a voodoo ceremony deep in the bush. Their extensive personal experience and passion for the unusual means that they look beyond the common to find the truly authentic. Rather than use western guides, Native Eye usually uses local guides who are born in the country and have a deep involvement and knowledge of the cultures to be visited.

To learn more about how you can book a tour to Equatorial Guinea, visit Native Eye Travel’s website at the following link:

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