

musicFolk music is very popular within Equatorial Guinea; the largest ethnic group, the Fang, are known for their use of a musical instrument called mvet, a harp-like instrument with up to fifteen strings. The semi-spherical part of this instrument is made of bamboo.

Music for the mvet is written in a form of musical notation that can only be learned by initiates of the bebom-mvet society. Music is typically call and response with a chorus and drums alternating. The tam-tam is also a popular instrument; a wooden box covered with animal skin, it is often used in conjunction with the mvet. Generally, wooden musical instruments are decorated with fauna images and geometric drawings. Drums are covered with animal skins or animal drawings.

Modern music such as reggae and rock are also increasingly popular, as well as indigenous acoustic guitar bands. Some of the most well-known dances are the balélé and ibanga, which are often danced to an orchestra arrangement of sanza, xylophone, drums, zithers and bow harps.

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