H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo awarded Prize for African Solidarity


Within the framework of activities carried out by the Afrique Emergence Comunication Group, on 23rd March the list was issued of the African Heads of State awarded the African Prizes for Emergent Values. These prizes recognise the humanitarian and African work of the President of the Republic, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who was chosen along with some ten Heads of State from the continent.


The event took place at the Hotel Faidherbe in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, and was attended by Mauricio Mauro Epkua Obama, Republic of Equatorial Guinea Consul General in Senegal, who was responsible for receiving the document of recognition.

The prize will be presented to the Equatoguinean Head of State in a subsequent event to be organised in Equatorial Guinea, when the protocol services of the Presidency of the Republic deem it appropriate.

The Consul General had words of congratulations for the Afrique Emergence Communication Group, for recognising the efforts made by H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo for Equatorial Guinea in particular, and for the African continent in general. He also pointed out that events and recognition of this type encourage and strengthen the spirit of solidarity, humanity and Pan-Africanism which defines our country today.

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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