Graduation of Equatorial Guinean university students in the People’s Republic of China


A total of 41 students from Equatorial Guinea have graduated in different universities of the People’s Republic of China in fields such as Engineering, Finance, Economics and International Commerce, Medicine, International Law, Political Science and Administration.


The Government of the People’s Republic of China offers 35 scholarships each year to students from our country, due to the excellent relations it shares with the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Thanks to these subsidies, numerous Equatorial Guinean youths have been able to continue their university training in the Asian giant.

The student representative in that country, Antonio Sima Obama, graduated this year in International Relations and Public administration, and is among the best finalists of this year. He will be replaced as student representative by Javier Ekua Ondo.

Source: Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the People’s Republic of China

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office
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