Graduation ceremony and delivery of certificates to the students of the English programme at the UNGE



UNGEAt the invitation of the Rector of the National University of Equatorial Guinea, the Director General of National Content, Mr Oscar Vicente García Berniko, attended the graduation ceremony and certificate delivery of the students in the English Programme at the UNGE on Monday, 14 December. The ceremony began with the reading of the technical report by the Programme Coordinator who highlighted that the UNGE’s English Programme, which began in 2013, is supported by the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy and the Marathon Oil Company and has the objective of providing the UNGE an English Programme with international standards.

Since 2014, the programme works in collaboration with the EAFIT University (Colombia) in regards to the training of Equatoguinean professors and in the development of the curriculum taught at the UNGE. This programme currently provides a total of 20 courses at the A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels to 58 students, of which five have graduated, after having completed all the aforementioned levels, and others received certificates for having completed some of them. This ceremony also included other speeches, like those of the representative from Marathon, the Director General of National Content, and the Dean of the Department of Arts and Social Sciences on behalf of the Rector.

In his speech, the representative from Marathon was happy with the ceremony and highlighted that the English programme is very important since it gives opportunities to Equatoguineans to work in the oil industry. Lastly, he thanked the Rector and other coordinators of the programme for the graduation of five students and the delivery of certificates to the other 53.

For his part, the Director General of National Content congratulated all those involved in the project and noted that he valued the support of Marathon in this initiative. Later, he thanked the UNGE and the EAFIT University for their work in the programme and recommended to the graduates that they improve their acquired knowledge and put it into practice in their professional development.

Finally, the Dean of the Department of Arts and Social Sciences, after congratulating the students, said that the UNGE is proud of having language programmes that contribute to the comprehensive development of its students who are capable of thriving in any context, through a global language like English. He asked the programme’s coordinators to work to extend such courses to the general public, especially professors, professionals and public and private institutions. He concluded his speech by thanking the President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea for his constant support for the UNGE, the Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy for contributing to the development and financing of the training projects through the oil companies that operate in our country, the universities for their important mission of technology transfer to the English Programme of the UNGE, and the graduating students. He told the students to put their newly-acquired knowledge and skills into practice in order to be good ambassadors and messengers of the successes of the programme.

Translation from the original text here:


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