Francisco Pascual Obama Asue named Prime Minister

Presidential Decree

Presidential Decree23/06/2016  Presidential Decree number 58/2016, of 22nd June, naming his Excellency Mr Francisco Pascual Obama Asue as Prime Minister of the Government, Charged with Administrative Coordination.

With the conclusion of the process of the presidential elections, held on April 24th of this year, once sworn in and assuming the position of President of the Republic, in accordance with current legal provisions, and with the aim of complying with the constitutional mandate set out under article 37 paragraph 2 of Basic State Law, and with respect to the circumstances met by this person, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph H of Basic State Law, I hereby name his Excellency Mr Francisco Pascual Obama Asue as Prime Minister of the Government, Charged with Administrative Coordination.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 22nd day of the month of June, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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