First Meeting of the National Commission on EITI Equatorial Guinea

First Meeting of the National Commission on EITI EG

First Meeting of the National Commission on EITI EGOn 14 July, the first meeting of the National Commission on EITI in Equatorial Guinea was held at the headquarters of the Department of Mining, Industry and Energy. It was chaired by the president of the commission, Minister Gabriel Mbega Obiang. The meeting was attended by his counterparts from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Public Investment and the Minister of Finance and Budgets, as well as by representatives of hydrocarbons companies and civil society members.

Various functional and administrative issues were discussed, including the review of the Draft Functional Regulation of the commission and the guidelines to be followed for implementing the EITI in Equatorial Guinea.

The parties agreed to review documentation and to send comments and suggestions to the National Coordination for submission and approval at the next meeting, proposed in the first half of September.

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