Equatorial Guinea’s EITI committee holds meetings in Washington

August 11th, 2014


To coincide with the US-Africa Summit and Equatorial Guinea Economic Forum, both held in Washington last week, representatives from the Equatorial Guinean Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) committee attended several meetings in the region. The chair of the committee, Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, met with the law firm Greenberg-Traurig LLP to discuss legal and technical assistance during the EITI process.The EITI

The Equatorial Guinean EITI committee also met with the Multi-Participation Group of the US EITI to discuss their experiences of the Initiative and hear their advice on the EITI as an organisation. Meetings were also held with the industrial transparency groups Publish What You Pay and the Natural Resource Governance Institute to learn more about the work of these groups in the EITI.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5520