Equatorial Flag and UNDP

Equatorial Flag and UNDPThe 2016 UNDP Africa Bureau cluster meeting will take place on 1-4 November 2016 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.  The theme of the meeting is Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation within the framework of 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063. As with previous cluster meetings, the Malabo meeting will reflect on, and shape UNDP’s contribution to the continent’s development agenda. The cluster will also devote time to discuss organizational effectiveness and the new corporate thinking on the way forward for UNDP as an organization.

This year’s cluster meeting is different in the sense that it coincides with the global preparation for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the COP 21 climate change agreement; the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risks and Resilience, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda scheduled financing for SDGs and the 2063 Africa agenda. The cluster meeting will also take place at the time of heralding a new era for the UN and/or UNDP. The UN system is likely to see new changes including the taking in office of a new Secretary-General and, possibly new UNDP Administrator and a new direction for UNDS under aegis of the QCPR, which is likely to impact UNDP’s management of the RC system as part of the SDG’s implementation. All these make UNDP Africa Bureau Cluster meeting 2016 unique and business as un-usual.

Basically this is THE strategic planning meeting for UNDP as AFrica has the highest number of offices. Our President is expected to open this meeting by sharing his views on new models for development such as the one pursued by Equatorial Guinea. Hosting this meeting will also give an opportunity for all UN Resident Coordinators and UNDP Resident Representatives accredited in Africa to experience first hand the transformation of the country.


Participants are being encouraged to come ready to discuss current challenges, highlight achievements and agree on best practices for the future. Of particular importance will be recognizing the new models of development for African States that is informed by national vision, regional commitments and global tools and norms.

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