Equatorial Guinea is guest of honour at symposium of the Network of Supreme Court Presidents from the European Union

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Around twenty presidents of the European Supreme Courts met on 21st October, at the opening of the symposium of the Network of Supreme Court Presidents from the EU, which took place in Spain, where Equatorial Guinea, represented by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Juan Carlos Ondo Angue, took part as guest of honour, together with China and Morocco.


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Juan Carlos Ondo Angue, President of the Supreme Court of Justice, took part in the debating tables at the Spanish Supreme Court, also attended by the Presidents of the European Supreme Courts, where they debated their role in the development of the Law, and on alternative methods for resolving litigation, such as mediation and arbitration.

The president of the Supreme Court and the General Council of the Judiciary in Spain, Carlos Lesmes, underlined in his opening speech the crucial role that judicial bodies must play “when facing the challenges presented within the current context of socio-political globalisation”.

Lesmes opened, together with the president of the Network and the Irish Supreme Court, Susan Denham, the symposium which the European organisation held on Friday 21st October, in which ‘Brexit’, the refugee crisis, and Islamist terrorism, were presented as some of the challenges that will face Europe over the coming years.

For her part, the president of the Network of Presidents of the European Supreme Courts, Susan Denham, indicated that “the independence of the judicial system is not a privilege of the judges, but a guarantee of the human rights of the population”.

The day developed through two debating tables, the first dedicated to “Alternative methods fro resolving litigation; mediation and arbitration”, with an introductory speech from the vice-president of the Network and president of the German Federal Court, Bettina Limperg. The second dealt with “The role of the Supreme Courts in the development of Law”, with an opening speech by the president of the Low Countries Supreme Court, Maarten Feteris.

The prominent presence of Juan Carlos Ondo Angue at the debating tables and at the symposium of the Network of Supreme Court Presidents from the EU, highlighted the excellent relations that the institution he oversees maintains with the Supreme Court and the General Council and the General Council of the Judiciary in Spain, and the European Supreme Courts.

Also accompanying the President of the Equatorial Guinea Supreme Court of Justice at the symposium was the magistrate, Antonio Ntutumu Nkulu.

Text and photos: Javier Hernández
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

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