Equatorial Guinea continues on path towards economic emergence in 2020


The Republic of Equatorial Guinea is moving towards emergence, programmed in the Plan Horizonte 2020, despite the economic crisis caused by factors regulating the price of raw materials.


The commitment to make Equatorial Guinea an emerging country for 2020 continues to be one of the priorities of the Government run by H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, despite the fall in the price of oil, the main source of the country’s income.

The Plan Horizonte 2020, outlined by the Head of State, and on which work is currently being done to “create the definitive structure” which will make up a “national economic system to take part in the international economy”, began several years ago, with the construction of social housing throughout the country which, today, remains a reality.

The economic growth that our country has experienced for eight years has been decisive, and the adequate use of resources by the Executive has allowed the construction of thousands of social residences in provincial and district capitals, in addition to the new urban districts.

Since the announcement of Plan Horizonte 2020, the general budgets have dedicated a greater part to the social sector, including the infrastructure for a road network covering the entire nations, and its corresponding electrification.

Furthermore, the money from oil has permitted the construction and fitting of secondary educational institutes in all areas of the nation.

This is the moment when the President of the Republic is asking for “the commitment, dedication, and determination of the people of Equatorial Guinea” in order to execute the phase of “preparation and empowerment of the private sector as the key engine for development”.

Equatorial Guinea has the highest literacy rate in Central Africa, at 78.5 %.

Text: A. A.
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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