Equatorial Guinea attends ICT meeting for members of the CPLP


A delegation from Equatorial Guinea, led by the Minister for Telecommunications and New Technologies, Maximiliano Meko Aveme, attended in Mozambique, from 17th to 19th August, the meeting of Communication Ministers of the CPLP, with the aim of drawing up and signing an agreement on the digitisation of the member countries within the community.


The delegation, which also included the Director General of the Regulatory 1471644000Body for Telecommunications in Equatorial Guinea (ORTEL), Hermógenes Nzang Esono, attended this meeting held from 17th to 19th of August, in Maputo, with the aim of drawing up and signing an agreement on the digitisation of member countries within the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), which was studied at a prior meeting held in Portugal, from 6th to 10th of July, 2016.

The meeting held on Portuguese soil, attended exclusively by the regulatory bodies for telecommunications, had as its aim the analysis and setting up of various strategic plans to eradicate the digital gap between member countries of the CPLP, a dossier that would be carefully analysed and later signed in Maputo by the ministers for telecommunications from the countries within the community, on Friday 19th August.

According to ORTEL, the CPLP foresees a future for Telecommunications/ICT and the digitisation of member countries with a view to the future, specifically for 2020. Within this same group of ideas, and according to the CPLP, all countries within the community will have to equal or reach a maximum technological level in order to close the gap.

According to reports from telecommunications engineers, a digital gap is significant when the technology is not affordable for the whole world, and the International Telecommunications Union (UIT) plans to eradicate this technological limitation.

Text: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DGPWIGE)
Photos and Information: ORTEL

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

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