Equatorial Guinea at the meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum



The executive board of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum held its 20th meeting in Doha, Qatar between October 13 and 15, with the participation of representatives from the Forum’s member states.GECF

Equatorial Guinea’s representative was Cesar Augusto Gómez Hinestrosa, accompanied by technicians and scientists of the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy. In the near future, the Forum’s Council of Ministers meeting will be held in Doha, with the presence of Equatoguinean Minister Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima.

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) is an international organisation that brings together the world’s leading oil-producing countries. Equatorial Guinea has been a member since 2010. In 2012, it held the rotating presidency of the Council of Ministers meeting, held in Malabo in November of the same year.

Further reading at: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5789

GECF: http://www.gecf.org/

Photo: guineaecuatorialpress.com

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