Equatoguinean students travel to Cuba to complete their studies in the field of Medicine



On 17 November, a group of 35 students from the Bata School of Medicine departed for Cuba to finish the sixth year of their education. This is the tenth group of Equatoguinean students to complete their studies in the country as a result of the cooperation agreement between the governments of Equatorial Guinea and Cuba.Cuba

Since the year 2000, the Bata School of Medicine has educated more than 200 physicians that have completed their final year of studies in Cuba, allowing these individuals the opportunity to acquire a high-quality education in a country with a prestigious tradition in the field of health. The study centre is headed by a Cuban dean, and the faculty is made up of a number of Cuban and Equatoguinean professors, specialised in the fields of medicine and nursing.

According to the Cuban Ambassador in Equatorial Guinea, Pedro Doña Santana, the relationship between Cuba and Equatorial Guinea focuses on the principles of health and education. If the evolution of this School of Medicine is maintained, the country will be more than prepared in terms of medical human resources to assist other countries in Africa and in the world, helping to fulfil the objectives of the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Read more at: http://www.cubanews.ain.cu/world/1960-medical-students-from-equatorial-guinea-to-graduate-in-cuba

Image from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Flag_of_Cuba.svg

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