Equatoguinean in short-list to win award at the Women4Africa Awards UK

March 5th, 2015


W4AOn 9 May, the 4th Annual Women4Africa Awards UK will be held in London. The ceremony seeks to honour women from across Africa who are making strides in their communities, acting as ‘agents of positive change’. Award categories include: Businesswoman of the Year, Young Achiever of the Year, Outstanding Mother of the Year, Author of the Year and Humanitarian of the Year, among many others. Equatoguinean Susana Edjang, a Yale World Fellow, is in the running for the Inspirational Woman of the Year award.

The event will be held at the Kensington Great Hall from 5-11pm on 9 May. To purchase tickets, or for more information, please visit the Women4Africa website at http://women4africa.com.

Image via women4africa.com