Equatoguinean becomes 2014 Yale World Fellow

December 19th, 2014


Equatoguinean Susana Edjang has been named a 2014 Yale World Fellow, joining 15 other World Fellows selected this year from nearly 4,000 applicants.SusanaEdjang1

Michael Cappello, professor of paediatrics at Yale School of Medicine, said: “As the previous groups, the Yale World Fellows of 2014 are dynamic, high-impact practitioners, committed to making a positive change in the world. Susana perfectly fits that mold and will provide an immense talent and vision to the group. Through the scholarship, Yale provides world leaders like Susana Edjang the valuable opportunity to move away from the intensity of their work and develop a strategic vision of their personal and professional paths, and its continuing impact on the world.”

Susana Edjang is an expert in international development policy and global health. Currently she works as Officer of Economic and Social Development for the Executive Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations Affairs. Susana was previously Coordinator H4+ in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The H4+ initiative is a collaboration between UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women, the World Health Organization, and the World Bank, to improve the health of women and children and to accelerate the progress of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).SusanaEdjang2

Read Susana’s full story here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5996