Education modernisation programme continues in Equatorial Guinea

Horizon 2020


The Programme for the Education Development of Equatorial Guinea (PRODEGE) has rolled out a new modernisation campaign following a Steering Committee meeting on 17 June, which approved the work programme and budget for 2014-15.Horizon 2020

This includes the launch of a new public-private partnership between the government and the US energy company Hess Corporation. Overseen by the international non-profit human development organization, FHI360, the project will help transform Equatorial Guinea’s education system, giving children the skills they need to succeed.

PRODEGE has already seen huge successes since being established five years ago; it has trained two-thirds of the country’s primary school teachers, opened new schools, modernized the curriculum and strengthened the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Education and Science. The government-supported organization has also created an accelerated teacher certification programme, which works with teachers to improve their classroom management and content knowledge skills.

FHI360 has worked extensively in Equatorial Guinea, training education professionals from across the country, including almost 1,000 primary school teachers.

From this year, PRODEGE will be working with FHI360 and other organisations to meet Equatorial Guinea’s goals for the Horizon 2020 development programme. This includes improving the state school model, ensuring that children learn critical skills and developing close links between schools, parents and local communities. The Ministry of Education and Science is set to take a large role in this programme, ensuring its long-term sustainability and integration into government policy.

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