
General index Monthly variation Accumulated variation Rate of inflation
July 0,6% 0,9% 1,2%
August 0,2% 1,1% 1,0%
September 0,3% 0,4% 1,4%

Outstanding results

  • The average annual rate of change for the third quarter of 2016 is 1.2%, lower than that recorded in the same period last year (2.1%).
  • The average quarterly variation of the general index is 0.4%.
  • The cities with the highest average annual variation, during the third quarter of 2016 are Bata, Mongomo and Evinayong with 1.8%; 1.5% and 1.3% respectively.

Annual evolution of consumer prices:Relative to the third quarter of the current year, the variation in consumer prices of households is around 1.2%, 0.6 points higher than in the second quarter and 0.9 points below the same quarter of 2015 (with 2.1%). This increase is mainly due to the average growth in the prices of food products and non-alcoholic beverages(0.5%), with a contribution of 0.2%; The other two groups, Health (1.9%) and alcoholic beverages, tobaccos and narcotics (0.4%), contributed 0.1% each.

Results by cities


Monthly variation

General index Malabo Bata Ebibeyin Evinayong Mongomo
July 0,5% 0,7% 0,5% 1,4% 0,6%
August 0,4% 0,1% -0,2% -0,7% 0,8%
September 0,4% 0,4% 0,3% 0,1% 0,4%

Accumulated variation
General index Malabo Bata Ebibeyin Evinayong Mongomo
January 1,3% 2,7% -0,1% -0,8% -0,7%
February 1,3% 3,0% 0,4% 0,3% -0,7%
March 0,1% 2,4% 1,0% 0,5% -0,5%
April -0,7% 2,1% 1,0% 0,6% -0,2%
May -0,6% 1,1% 1,2% 0,3% 0,0%
June -0,5% 0,7% 0,2% 0,4% 0,2%
July 0,1% 1,4% 0,6% 1,8% 0,8%
August 0,4% 1,6% 0,5% 1,1% 1,6%
September 0,8% 1,9% 0,8% 1,1% 2,0%

Variations (3rd quarter):The highest accumulated variation recorded at the end of this third quarter was obtained in the city of Mongomo (2.0%) and represents an increase compared to the previous quarter (0.2%), as a result of (2.9%), Restaurants and Hotels (2.4%) and Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics (2.3%); In second place is the city of Bata with a cumulative variation of 1.9%; Evinayong ranks third with 1.1%.


Rate of inflation

General index Malabo Bata Ebibeyin Evinayong Mongomo
July -0,2% 2,1% 1,9% 1,8% 0,8%
August -0,4% 1,8% 1,7% 1,1% 1,7%
September 1,2% 1,6% -0,1% 1,1% 2,0%

Annual variation of consumer prices by city: 
The highest rate of inflation has been recorded in the city of Bata (with a quarterly average of 1.8%); Compared to the previous quarter (0.9%). In second place is the city of Mongomo with an average inflation rate of 1.5%. In the third and fourth position are the cities of Evinayong and Ebibeyin with inflation rates of 1.3% and 1.2% respectively. Finally, there is the city of Malabo, where there was an average inflation rate of 0.2%, higher than that recorded in the second quarter of the current year (-0.8%).

Third-quarter median indices of cities by product group

    Malabo Bata Ebibeyin Mongomo Evinayong Nationa
1 Food and non-alcoholic
144,4 140,2 121,3 132,6 124,7 138,1
2 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco
and narcotics
126,2 123,7 118,0 113,6 132,1 123,6
3 Clothing and footwear 127,3 113,5 116,5 118,8 111,2 119,1
4 Housing, water,
electricity, gas and other
139,0 181,7 129,0 102,5 140,5 151,4
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current
household maintenance
137,3 127,1 139,7 134,1 115,8 132,0
6 Health 152,5 119,0 137,2 103,5 118,5 131,4
7 Transportation 121,1 119,0 105,8 137,9 104,8 119,2
8 Communication 115,4 109,2 146,2 113,1 121,5 116,3
9 Spacing, shows and
166,1 125,3 109,4 145,5 117,5 139,6
10 Education 162,0 133,0 145,2 137,7 154,2 146,3
11 Restaurants and hotels 132,3 146,5 157,3 162,7 137,3 143,4
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
138,0 121,2 118,2 116,5 109,6 125,7
GENERAL IPC 138,5 134,8 124,6 127,2 124,9 133,9

Group Malabo Weighing July August September
1 Food and non-
alcoholic beverages
50,4% 143,7 144,4 145,1
2 Alcoholic beverages,
tobacco and narcotics
12,6% 125,7 126,3 126,8
3 Clothing and footwear 1,7% 127,3 127,3 127,3
4 Housing, water,
electricity, gas and
other fuels
2,0% 139,0 139,0 139,0
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current
maintenancecorriente del hogar
5,4% 137,1 137,2 137,4
6 Health 5,6% 152,5 152,5 152,5
7 Transportation 10,5% 121,1 121,1 121,1
8 Communication 1,1% 115,4 115,4 115,4
9 Spacing, shows and
1,1% 166,1 166,1 166,1
10 Education 1,4% 162,0 162,0 162,0
11 Restaurants and hotels 7,6% 131,3 132,3 133,3
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
0,5% 138,0 138,0 138,0
GENERAL IPC OF MALABO 100,0% 138,0 138,5 139,0

Group Bata Weighing July August September
1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 45,2% 139,9 139,9 140,9
2 Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics 19,4% 122,8 124,5 123,8
3 Clothing and footwear 1,7% 113,5 113,5 113,5
4 Housing, water, electricity, gas and
other fuels
2,7% 181,7 181,7 181,7
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current
6,8% 127,1 127,1 127,1
6 Health 0,9% 119,0 119,0 119,0
7 Transportation 6,7% 119,0 119,0 119,0
8 Communication 1,1% 109,2 109,2 109,2
9 Spacing, shows and
1,1% 125,3 125,3 125,3
10 Education 4,2% 133,0 133,0 133,0
11 Restaurants and hotels 9,4% 146,9 145,5 147,0
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
0,9% 122,3 120,7 120,7
GENERAL IPC OF BATA 100,0% 134,5 134,7 135,2

Group Ebibeyin Weighing July August September
1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 49,0% 121,5 120,9 121,6
2 Alcoholic beverages,
tobacco and narcotics
16,3% 117,8 118,1 118,1
3 Clothing and footwear 3,6% 116,5 116,5 116,5
4 Housing, water,
electricity, gas and
other fuels
2,6% 129,0 129,0 129,0
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current household
7,7% 139,7 139,7 139,7
6 Health 7,8% 137,2 137,2 137,2
7 Transportation 4,7% 105,8 105,8 105,8
8 Communication 0,6% 146,2 146,2 146,2
9 Spacing, shows and
0,6% 109,4 109,4 109,4
10 Education 3,6% 145,2 145,2 145,2
11 Restaurants and hotels 2,7% 155,2 158,4 158,4
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
0,7% 120,8 116,9 116,9
GENERAL IPC OF EBIBEYIN 100,0% 124,7 124,4 124,8

Group Mongomo Weighing July August September
1 Food and non-
alcoholic beverages
49,0% 130,8 132,8 134,3
2 Alcoholic beverages,
tobacco and narcotics
16,3% 113,7 113,7 113,2
3 Clothing and footwear 3,6% 118,8 118,8 118,8
4 Housing, water,
electricity, gas and
other fuels
2,6% 102,5 102,5 102,3
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current
7,7% 134,1 134,1 134,1
6 Health 7,8% 103,5 103,5 103,5
7 Transportation 4,7% 137,9 137,9 137,9
8 Communication 0,6% 113,1 113,1 113,1
9 Spacing, shows and
0,6% 145,5 145,5 145,5
10 Education 3,6% 137,7 137,7 137,7
11 Restaurants and hotels 2,7% 163,7 163,7 160,6
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
0,7% 116,5 116,5 116,4
GENERAL IPC OF MONGOMO 100,0% 126,3 127,3 127,9

Group Evinayong Weighing July August September
1 Food and non- alcoholic beverages 49,0% 125,8 123,9 124,3
2 Alcoholic beverages,
tobacco and narcotics
16,3% 132,3 132,3 131,7
3 Clothing and footwear 3,6% 111,2 111,2 111,2
4 Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 2,6% 140,5 140,5 140,5
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current household
maintenancecorriente del hogar
7,7% 115,8 115,8 115,8
6 Health 7,8% 118,5 118,5 118,5
7 Transportation 4,7% 104,8 104,8 104,8
8 Communication 0,6% 121,5 121,5 121,5
9 Spacing, shows and
0,6% 117,5 117,5 117,5
10 Education 3,6% 154,2 154,2 154,2
11 Restaurants and hotels 2,7% 137,3 137,3 137,3
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
0,7% 109,6 109,6 109,6
GENERAL IPC OF EVINAYONG 100,0% 125,5 124,6 124,7

Group TOTAL E.G Weighing July August September
1 Food and non-alcoholic beverages 48,0% 137,7 137,9 138,8
2 Alcoholic beverages,
tobacco and narcotics
16,2% 123,1 124,0 123,8
3 Clothing and footwear 2,2% 119,1 119,1 119,1
4 Housing, water,
electricity, gas and
other fuels
2,4% 151,4 151,4 151,4
5 Furniture, household
equipment and current
6,6% 131,9 131,9 132,0
6 Health 4,3% 131,4 131,4 131,4
7 Transportation 7,6% 119,2 119,2 119,2
8 Communication 1,0% 116,3 116,3 116,3
9 Spacing, shows and
1,0% 139,6 139,6 139,6
10 Education 3,1% 146,3 146,3 146,3
11 Restaurants and hotels 7,1% 143,1 143,3 143,9
12 Miscellaneous goods
and services
0,7% 126,4 125,4 125,4
GENERAL IPC OF E.G 100,0% 133,6 133,8 134,3

Methodological sheet
Consumer Price Index

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a statistical measure of the evolution of the prices of goods and services consumed by the population residing in family dwellings. The set of goods and services that satisfy the shopping basket is basically obtained from the consumption made by the families and the importance of each one of them in the calculation of the CPI; which is determined by such consumption. Since January 2009, the CPI methodology has been completely innovated with the introduction of structural and conjuncture changes in the current market situation and in the future, which have made this new CPI a more dynamic and representative indicator at the national level, adaptable to the evolution of the market and the specific characteristics of each region. Price variations are observed in five major cities (Malabo, Bata, Ebibeyin, Mongomo and Evinayong) of the country whose inhabitants represented 58.4% of the national population. The National CPI is the result of the weighted average of the monthly CPI of the five cities, whose weights are as follows: 35.7% for Malabo, 38.9% for Bata, 10.3% for Ebibeyin, 9.0% For Mongomo and 6.2% for Evinayong.

  • Type of survey: continued monthly
  • Base period: 2008
  • Reference period of weights: December 2006
  • Sample of provinces: 5
  • Number of articles: 484
  • Number of observations: approximately 5,796 monthly prices
  • Functional classification: 12 groups, 38 subgroups, 88 classes and 120 subclasses
  • General method of calculation: Laspeyres not chained
  • Method of collection: interviewing agents in establishments and centralized collection for
    special items.

The Equatorial Guinea Consumer Price Index is a Laspeyres-type index, covering all households defined in the System of National Accounts SCN93. The reference population is the set of resident households in the cities of Malabo, Bata, Ebebiyin, Mongomo and Evinayong. The base period is the year 2008, during which approximately 70,000 prices were observed in the agglomerations defined for the national CPI field, which represents just over 58 percent of the national population, distributed in both regions of the country. The interviewing agents carry out the collection of prices in the commercial and serviceestablishments as well as in the local administrative units and of the government that by those that respond according to the fundamental principles of the Law No 3/2001 of date 17 of May, Regulator of the Activity Statistics in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. One of the key quality features is that products sold in local units are purchased for weighing and converting them into international units.

For the collection of prices, two categories of questionnaires are used: Questionnaires of type Hare for the collection of varieties called heterogeneous; The type O questionnaires are used to make purchases of products called homogeneous. The rates of services and fees applied to certain prices are observed in the invoices administrative documents that indicate it; You can consult the services concerned by direct interviews or by telephone in case of need. The dwellings form a subset of thirty, classified into four strata previous minute studies conducted during the base period. Products considered seasonal are treated according to the harmonized methodology in times of scarcity. The replacement of products and / or points of sale is also done according to the harmonized methodology .

The basket or basket of purchases and weights of basic products come from the Equatoguinean Household Survey (EEH-2006) carried out throughout the national scope in December of 2006. For the structure of the basket the African consumption nomenclature (NCAC) adopted for the construction of the indexes at CEMAC prices in 2000, derives from the international nomenclature COICOP (Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose) of 12 divisions or functions that are listed below:

  1. Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
  2. Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco and Narcotics
  3. Dresses and Shoes
  4. Housing, Water, Gas, Electricity and Other Fuels
  5. Furniture, household goods and current home care
  6. Health
  7. Transport
  8. Communications
  9. Entertainment, shows and culture
  10. Education
  11. Restaurants and hotels

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