Business in Equatorial Guinea


Equatorial Guinea’s political stability and significant economic opportunities are attracting growing interest from foreign businesses, especially in extracting oil deposits. This provides a favourable medium-term outlook, particularly in natural-gas extraction projects. The main challenge the country faces is using these … Continue reading

Business & infrastructure


With the discovery of huge oil reserves in the mid-1990s, business in the country has boomed. As the third-largest oil producer in Sub-Saharan Africa, Equatorial Guinea produces an average of 360,000 barrels of oil per day. This has attracted many … Continue reading

Equatorial Guinea Investment Guide 2015


The Equatorial Guinea Investment Guide 2015, available here for download, looks into a number of areas affecting the investment market in Equatorial Guinea. From tax incentives to the regulatory climate, this report offers a significant amount of information on one … Continue reading

Opportunities for investment


Opportunities for investment As economic growth in the country continues, the government of Equatorial Guinea is actively seeking foreign investment and expertise. Investment and expertise is needed in projects ranging from transport, hospitals, industrial plants and schools, offering a range … Continue reading

Investment climate

Government support The government takes an active role in creating and nurturing relationships with investors, with contracts usually negotiated individually by the most relevant ministry. All companies wishing to do business in Equatorial Guinea must register with the Ministry of … Continue reading

Incentives & grants

Incentives & grants Equatorial Guinea is a member of the Organisation for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, which implements fair business laws and institutions, as well as promoting domestic and foreign investment for its members. Grants are available … Continue reading

The Oil and Gas Council 2016 Africa Assembly

Minister 2

        20.06.2016 The Oil and Gas Council 2016 Africa Assembly, an influential event for corporate development, strategy, finance and investment in Africa’s oil and gas industry, was hosted on 20 – 21 June 2016, at Lancaster Hotel, … Continue reading