Ambassador Evuna spoke at the NOCs and Governments Summit

October 2nd, 2014


H.E. Ambassador Evuna spoke on 30 September at the NOCs (National Oil Companies) & Governments Annual Summit in London on behalf of César Augusto Hinestrosa Gómez, Director General of Local Content at the Ministry of Energy & Mines, Equatorial Guinea.  The Summit brings together government and industry leaders from over 25 countries.  The panel, with representatives from Ghana, Kenya and energy company Total, spoke on the responsibilities of governance and the importance and challenges with measurement of Local Content.EG1

Ambassador Evuna outlined the local content policies of her government and the social development programme including the establishment of the National Content General Directorate (NGCD), whose primary objective is the integration, promotion and development of SMEs and private, local entrepreneurs in Equatorial Guinea.

She outlined the way the National Fund for the Implementation of Social Projects works with contributions from companies and provides a good example of how governments, private sector and civil society can work together by sharing responsibility. This Fund addresses directly the need for governance to be a shared responsibility and to increase transparency and constructive dialogue between all parties; one of the key tenets of her Government’s renewed bid to join EITI as a candidate nation.

The finalisation of a National Commission to lead the implementation process is imminent.  The multi-stakeholder group; drawn from Government, private companies, parliament and civil society; will embark on preparing and adopting the final EITI application process, working towards becoming a candidate country by 2015 and an implementing nation by 2017.  The Ambassador stressed the importance of good governance and that the revenues from her country’s natural resources are transparently managed for the benefit of the citizens.

For further information on the summit:

Summit Presentation Download