A solar energy power plant is to be installed on the island of Annobón


solar-panels-in-sun-with-blue-skyThe government of Equatorial Guinea has chosen MAECI Solar, a subsidiarity of Management and Economic Consulting Inc, in collaboration with GE Power & Water and Princeton Power Systems to install a 5MW solar energy project on the island province of Annobón. This project is expected to be the largest self-sufficient solar project on the continent of Africa once complete.

The project’s aim is to provide a reliable and consistent energy source to meet 100% of the Annobón Province’s energy demands. At present, the 5,000 inhabitants of the island have up to five hours of electricity supplied each day but upon the completion, the power plant will supply electricity to every house 24/7. It is hoped that a more reliable energy supply will not only substantially improve the quality of life for residents but also boost the local infrastructure and industry capacity.

The Equatorial Guinean government has made projects such as this one a priority as part of its National Economic Development Plan Horizon 2020.

The original article can be read here.

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