Equatorial Guinea Institutional Web Page, best Digital Medium 2016

The award for Best Digital Medium in Equatorial Guinea 2016 has been given to the Government Institutional Web Page, www.guineaecuatorialpress.com. The award certificate was presented by the Ministry for Information, Press and Radio, during the second edition of the End of Year Gala organised by the department.

On the night of 29th December, the Hotel Hilton Bisila, in Malabo, was the setting for the return of the End of Year Gala. During this second edition of the event, awards were given to the best technicians and professionals from the media in Equatorial Guinea.

The work carried out by the Government Institutional Web Page was highlighted by an award for the “Best Digital Medium”.

The prize in question was collected by the head of marketing and sales at www.guineaecuatorialpress.com, Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi, representing the Director General, Filiberto Nseme Nsue Nchama, and in his brief speech he first praised the management by the current Government team at the Ministry for Information, Press and Radio, led by the minister, Eugenio Nze Obiang.

Nseme Nsue Nchama also pointed out that “this is an award recognising the effort and arduous task we all do to quickly report to the world on what is truly happening in our country”.

Secondly, he thanked all the teams from the General Directorate, Presidential Press, and all the professionals who make the web possible, either directly or indirectly, and those responsible for its design and the updating of news. Furthermore, he referred to the Government Institutional Web Page, piloted by the Head of State, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, as a digital medium known to many readers, and the face of Equatorial Guinea in the outside world.

At the same event other prizes were awarded in various sections, such as the best presenters of programmes and news on TV and Radio, together with the best directors, announcers, camera operators, and TV and Radio programmes, among others.

From guineaecuatorialpress.com, we are grateful for this recognition by the Ministry for Information, Press and Radio, and by all our readers.

Report: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Extraordinary CEMAC Summit in Yaundé

In Thursday 22nd December the presidents of Equatorial Guinea, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo; Chad, H. E. Idriss Deby Itno; Congo Brazzaville, H. E. Denis Sassou, and H. E. Faustin Archange Touadera, from the Central African Republic, arrived in the capital of Cameroon, to take part in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) Summit, taking place on 23rd.

The Prime Minister and Head of the Government in Cameroon, Philémon Yang, representing H. E. Paul Biya, met the official delegations. The presidential plane which took the Equatoguinean Head of State from Malabo, landed at the Yaundé Nsim Alen International Airport, at 17:40. Personnel from the Equatorial Guinea diplomatic headquarters in Yaundé, led by the ambassador, Anastasio Asumu Mum, also took part in the reception, in order to provide a warm welcome to the Equatoguinean leader.

In the hall of honour at the Presidential Pavilion, the Head of State and the Prime Minister exchanged first impressions on the extraordinary summit of Heads of State, in which they are going to analyse the economic and financial situation in the CEMAC:

Young Equatoguineans studying at universities in Cameroon, entertainment groups, and numerous inhabitants from the friendly, neighbouring country, also turned out to witness the arrival of the Equatoguinean delegation, with banners, applause, and other demonstrations of welcome for the illustrious guests, on the airport esplanade.

At around 20:00, the presidential couple from Cameroon, H. E. Paul Biya and Chantal Biya, provided a dinner for the leaders from the sub-region, at the La Unité Palace. The event was attended by the Heads of State from Equatorial Guinea, Congo Brazzaville, Central African Republic, and Economy and Finance Ministers from these nations.

Text: María Jesús Nsang Nguema
Photos: Miguel Ángel Andjimi
(Presidential Press Team)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Ceiba launches new route to Bamako

On Sunday 18th December, the national airline, Ceiba, launched a new route Malabo – Bamako (Mali). The secretary of State from the Department of Civil Aviation, Luciano Esono Biteghe, the Director General of Ceiba, Bienvenido Esono Engonga Okomo, the Mali Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, Amadou Dem, company directors and other guests were on the first flight.

Two hours and fifty minutes is the duration of the Malabo-Bamako (Mali) flight, the new destination just begun by Ceiba, under its policy of expansion towards African countries. Before taking off from Malabo International Airport, Esono Engonga, in conversation with www.guineaecuatorialpress.com, stated that the aim of the company is to increase its coverage in routes, as this generates income.

He also recalled that the Government has just signed bilateral aviation agreements with Mali, which allow national carriers to use their respective airspace. Thus, Ceiba is acting on those agreements which were signed during the latest visit by the President of Mali to Equatorial Guinea.

In addition, the director affirmed that prior to the opening of this route, the company had carried out profitability studies, and determined that “with the huge colony of people from Mali resident in our country, neighbouring countries will be able to take advantage of this route”.

The Ceiba delegation, on arrival in Bamako, was received by the Minister for Transport, Traore Zenabou Diop. The act tool place in the airport terminal, firstly with a speech by Esono Engonga. In his address he recognised the efforts by the Mali and Equatorial Guinea authorities to bring about this agreement. He also highlighted the fact that Ceiba is a newly-formed company, but is reaching the majority of African capitals, thanks to the impetus and desire of the President of the Republic, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, who he described as a great Pan-Africanist.

Then he revealed the aim of the presence of Ceiba in Bamako: “to evolve our line, and respond to the demands of Mali residents in Equatorial Guinea”.

The Secretary of State from the Ministry for Civil Aviation, Luciano Esono Biteghe, when speaking, declared that the opening of this new route will boost trade and cultural relations between the two countries: “We think it is necessary to deepen our relations for the good of our cooperation, in order to contribute towards the development of our countries; where we have been colonised and under damaging influences”.

He also confirmed that supporting initiatives such as this one promotes tourism between the two countries, and that is in line with the policies of the two Heads of State. He concluded his speech by inviting the people of Mali to take advantage of this opportunity.

For his part, the Minister for Transport from Mali described the act as historical fro the sector, and assured that Mali is a safe destination. He also congratulated the two Heads of State for the good bilateral relations: “This maiden flight is a reason fro satisfaction between the two countries. The arrival of Ceiba is going to contribute towards the unlocking of Mali to the exterior. And this has come about under the initiative and creation of agreements between Equatorial Guinea and Mali, two countries which are geographically distant, but which this air transport is going to bring closer”.

Text and photos: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

First documentary on wildlife in Equatorial Guinea triumphs in Spain

The secret of the forest (“El secreto del bosque”, original title) is an environmental awareness-raising documentary filmed entirely in the natural surroundings of Equatorial Guinea, in 2015.

The “El secreto del bosque” documentary, produced by the NGO ECOGUINEA, has won various cinema festivals taking place in Spain. The latest of these was the Grand Prize awarded unanimously by the jury at the Ronda-Madrid-Malaga Biennial International for Scientific Cinema , from the AESIC (Spanish Association for Scientific Cinema and Image).

At the closing ceremony of the festival, at the Palace of Congresses in Ronda (Malaga), the work was awarded the prize “for its technical quality, script and artistry, in addition to using the utmost scientific vigour on the story, inspired by an African tale, which deals with the conservation of nature”.

Furthermore, “El secreto del Bosque” took two further prizes for Best animation documentary in the environment category, and best photography, at the KO&Digital International Festival for Solidarity in Cinema in Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona), against over 700 works.

The documentary, filmed entirely in Equatorial Guinea in 2015, has also been selected to be shown at various festivals throughout the world (Peru, Mozambique, Germany,…) demonstrating not only the quality of the work, but also international interest to get to know the fauna and flora of Equatorial Guinea. Furthermore, since June 2016, you can see it on Equatoguinean television.

The success of the work began with a great team of Equatoguinean and Spanish professionals working shoulder to shoulder to film, as never seen before, shots of such emblematic animals as elephants, turtles or drills, in the Cladera de Luba or on Monte Alén, in a project which lasted almost two years, and brings together live footage and animation.

The documentary is now looking for financial backing, in order to be shown next year in the schools and high schools in Equatorial Guinea, and villages within the protected areas, within the framework of an awareness-raising strategy which promotes, through knowledge, the ecological consciousness of the country, and will be carried out by ECOGUINEA:

This NGO came about within the framework of an environmental conservation project set up by the Association ECOTONO, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), the National University of Equatorial Guinea (UNGE), and the National Institute for Forest Development and Management of the National System for Protected Areas (INDEFOR AP), thanks to financial backing for the National Content for Social Development, managed by Marathon Oil.

To see the trailer: https://youtu.be/bVFlF1R1AUQ

Information and photos: Rocío Cadahía Fernández (ECOGUINEA)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

A delegation from the Ministry for Mines attends OPEC ministerial meeting

A delegation led by the Presidential Adviser on Petrochemical Matters, Julián Abia Biteo May, representing the Minister for Mines and Hydrocarbons, Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, attended, on 10th December, at the OPEC headquarters (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries) in Vienna, Austria, a ministerial meeting between OPEC countries and non-members.

The main reason for this historic and extraordinary meeting was the invitation by the organisation to non-member countries, to allow them to take part in the measures adopted by this forum, aimed at stabilising the crude market, following several years of falling prices.

They mainly discussed the Algeria Accords, through which OPEC decided to limit world production of crude to 32.5 million barrels/day, signifying a reduction of 1.2 million barrels/day. To achieve this, they asked for cooperation from non-member countries, in order to voluntarily contribute to this quota. The majority of nations committed in some way to reducing production, and thus achieving market stabilisation.

The Russian contribution stands out, as they offered a reduction of 300,000 barrels per day, and Equatorial Guinea, who is collaborating with a drop of 12,000 barrels.

Finally they reached a general agreement, and signed an open agreement with other exporting countries not present at the meeting, through which it is hoped to stabilise the market and turn around the negative trend of recent years.

Source and photos: Ministry for Mines and Hydrocarbons
Information: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Portugal wishes to cooperate with Equatorial Guinea in boosting agriculture

The agriculture, livestock and food sector is being put forward as an alternative to the situation affecting the country’s economy. The sector has just received over twenty proposals, as seen in audiences held at the ministry with the heads of various countries.

Portugal wishes to cooperate with Equatorial Guinea on projects to diversify the economy, within the aims of the agricultural sector.

The Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Victor Grange Meile, described the initiative as significant, but believes it is necessary to first study the proposals from its members, in order to find a way to reaching an agreement which satisfies the two parties.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Offic

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Agreement on the free extension of visas between Equatorial Guinea and Russia

The Government of Equatorial Guinea and the Russian Federation signed an agreement on the afternoon of 13th December, for the free extension of visas for diplomats, officials, and service passports.

The signing of the agreement took place at the headquarters of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, where the Deputy Minister, Salomón Nfa Ndong, represented the Government, while the Russian Ambassador resident in Yaunde (Cameroon), Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy, represented the Russian party.

The agreement, which will strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries, was praised by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Russian ambassador, as it will facilitate the entry of Equatoguineans and Russians in possession of the previously mentioned passports into Russia and Equatorial Guinea. Equatoguineans will not have to go via Yaunde, where Russia has its diplomatic headquarters, in order to obtain the visa.

Nfa Ndong affirmed that Equatoguineans will benefit the most from this agreement, and praised the willingness of the ambassador to push through the agreement, together with the policies of the Head of State, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo.

With regards to bilateral relations, he said that they are excellent and lasting, adding that Russia has always been at the side of Equatorial Guinea at all times, and has contributed to the training of resources in our country.

For his part, Ratsiborisnskiy described the agreement as significant, and added that it symbolises the trust and good relations between the two countries: “The agreement will facilitate economic and social development”, he concluded.

Text and photos: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Presentation of the book Learn Southern Bube

Narciso Sipaco Ribala, a graduate in International Journalism, and current Plenipotentiary Minister, has presented his new book “Learn Southern Bube”, in the library at the Equatoguinean Cultural Centre, in Malabo, on the evening of 9th December. The work is intended as a manual which will help to preserve and promote the use of the Bube language among natives and foreigners.


Narciso Sipaco Ribala, during the presentation of his new book.
Narciso Sipaco Ribala, during the
presentation of his new book.

“A language on the road to disappearance”, was how Narciso Sipaco Ribala described Southern Bube, during the presentation of his book. The author reported that the language has approximately 40,000 speakers on the island of Bioko, with two major variants; the Northern and the Southern.

Bube is considered to be one of the oldest languages in Africa, which lost ground among its speakers for various reasons; colonisation, the co-existence with Nigerians in the implementation of Pidgin English, and the difficulties in communication between the Bube speakers, as the Northern version differs from the Southern. From there a tendency towards Spanish and Pidgin among the natives on the island, which were adopted as common languages, spoken among the people and for daily communication, relegated Bube to a secondary role.

Sipaco Ribala is the author of various books, such as “Speak Southern Bube in 60 days” (2013) and “Laboratory for international, public and diplomatic relations” (2014), published in Cuba.

His new work, published by Ediciones Loynaz, brings the knowledge, practice and spreading of the mother tongue of the island of Bioko that much closer.

Text: Jorge-Abeso Ndong Nneme (CCEG Communications Department)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Signing of cooperation agreement between Equatorial Guinea and South Korea

The Secretary of State from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Domingo Mituy Edjang Afugu, and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs from South Korea, Kimhyoung Zhin, signed, in Seoul, on 1st December, at the headquarters of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a mutual extension agreement for visas between Equatorial Guinea and South Korea.


During the signing of the agreement.
During the signing of the agreement.

During the signing of the agreement, the Government of Equatorial Guinea was represented by the Secretary of State from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Domingo Mituy Edjang Afugu, while the South Korean Government was represented by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs from South Korea, Kimhyoung Zhin. The agreement signed between the two countries will allow the free extension of visas for the holders of diplomatic passports for officers in the service of Equatorial Guinea and South Korea.

During the visit by Mituy Edjang to Seoul, they also covered various questions of reciprocal cooperation, in which the South Korean Government highlighted their interest in supporting the training of Equatoguinean students in various areas; and a diplomacy and protocol training course for officials from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.

The Asian Government praised the progress in Equatorial Guinea, and expressed the desire to strengthen relations of cooperation. After signing the agreement, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs from South Korea provided an official dinner for the Equatoguinean delegation.

Text: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)
Photo: Minister for Foreign affairs
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

A delegation from the Chamber of Deputies attends the APF

Between 25th and 29th November, in Dakar (Senegal), the African Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (APF) took place, and the attending National Parliament delegation was made up of María Dolores Nchama Sima and Purificación Buari Lasaquero.


Group photo after the forum's closing ceremony.
Group photo after the forum’s closing

During the forum, its executive committee met to designate its members, and the responsibility once again fell to María Dolores Nchama Sima, who enjoyed support from parliamentary representatives from other African countries.

The celebration of this forum also permitted an examination of strategic sectors, such as education, health., employment, youth, emigration, and climate change, among other matters.

The 2017 Project from the African Union (AU) and the working plan on the benefits of investing in youth, were central issues at the meeting, stressing the principles and values in order to understand the importance of the economic transformation of Africa and the exploitation of the demographic bonus.

The Equatorial Guinea representative, María Dolores Nchama Sima, during her speech, in addition to thanking the organisation, also reported on the position of our country, its adhesion to the decisions of the Heads of State and of Governments regarding the AU Agenda 2018, and the Maputo Declaration of Sustainable Development.

The forum concluded with a final communique outlining the decisions adopted during the meeting: the networks of parliaments on Population and Development in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Arab World, and America.

This communique also recognised the contribution made by the African Union Commission, the United Nations Fund Population Fund (UNFPA), the Japanese Cooperation, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), to effectively support the demographic bonus.

Text: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)
Photos: Chamber of Deputies
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

