Official opening of the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Primary School

On 4th November, the accredited Equatorial Guinea Plenipotentiary Extraordinary Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China, Germán Ekua Sima, and the director for Africa, from the Chinese Ministry for Foreign Relations, Ling Sontiang, opened the school, which has been financed by the Equatoguinean Government.


Thanks to selfless cooperation with the Equatoguinean Government, the first stone of the China-Equatorial Guinea Friendship Primary School, in the prefecture of Jimping, was laid in July 2015, and it was completed in 2016.

A monument has been constructed to commemorate the donation towards the education and training of talent, a symbol of the friendship between the peoples of both nations, which goes back to 1970.

According to Ekua Sima, the execution of this project shows the importance of the exterior policy of the country designed by H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, as the Republic of Equatorial Guinea regards very highly their cooperation with China, which the ambassador described as sincere, fair, and mutually beneficial for the achievement of the wider objectives of South.South cooperation.

It is for that reason that the financing of this project comes under the programme of the fight against poverty that the People’s Republic of China has established.

Thus thanking the Government of this Asian giant for its constant support for our country as it develops into a modern, emerging Equatorial Guinea that can enjoy sustainable development.

Text and photos: Atalia Modesta Baha (Press Attaché at the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in China (Beijing))

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Equatorial Guinea takes part in 39th African Inter-parliamentary Union Conference

Within the framework of the 39th African Inter-parliamentary Union Conference, being held in Rabat, Morocco, two Equatoguinean parliamentarians took part on 4th November in a meeting of the APU Committee of Women Parliamentarians.


Under the banner “The contribution by African parliaments towards the fight against the trafficking and work of women and children”, the representatives of the people from the African parliaments, among them the senator Silvia Paloma Obono Edjang and the deputy Natividad Ondo Bindang, from the Parliament of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, met in order to analyse, debate and seek possible solutions for reducing or eliminating a problem that every year affects more than two million people, in particular women and children.

The APU Committee of Women Parliamentarians considers that the trafficking of persons, which in the last thirty years has increased considerably as a modern form of slavery and, as such, a violation of the rights of man, under which women and children are trapped in a network of exploitation and abuse which constitutes a crime, and which the States must suppress through the law.

According to the committee, although exact figures are unknown, it is calculated that in recent decades tens of millions of women and children from third-world countries have been victims of sexual trafficking, especially girls from poor families, who are tricked by the possibility of work and studies, or who have been kidnapped or sold, to then be subjected to the worst kinds of work in dangerous environments, to serve as sex slaves, or be forces into other illegal activities such as drug trafficking, prostitution, or to serve as child soldiers in armed conflicts.

Along these lines, Silvia Paloma Obono Edjang and Natividad Ondo Bindang, together with the other women making up the committee, included a series of recommendations in the resolution that they will present to the presidents of the APU parliaments, in order to adopt actions and initiatives against these abuses. This will highlight the monitoring and application of laws and other measures, in addition to strengthening measures, in the fight against this scourge.

Source: Senate Communication Office
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Closing ceremony of the 11th Community of Portuguese Language Countries Summit

On Tuesday 1st November the CPLP forum came to a close, during a ceremony that began with the arrival of the member Heads of State, among them H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, leading the delegation from our country.


In the centre, the President signing the Brazil Declaration.
In the centre, the President signing the
Brazil Declaration.

The leaders from Brazil, Portugal, the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, São Tomé and Principe, East Timor, Cape Verde, and representatives from Mozambique, Angola, Guinea Bissau, and the recently elected United Nations Secretary of State, listened attentively to the words from the outgoing secretary, focussing on the report on the progress by this community over the previous period.

María do Carmo, the new executive secretary of the community, in her first speech, expressed her willingness to work in order to achieve the aims of the CPLP.

H. E. Michel Temer, sitting President of the CPLP and President of the Federal Republic of Brazil, in his closing address, underlined the strong cultural ties uniting Portuguese speaking countries, and stated that the strength of this institution is based on plurality, and the unity of its components. He also stated that the purpose of Brazil is to have a modern organization in tune with the real interests of its members.

In order to deploy the adopted provisions, those present signed the Brazil Declaration.

The leader of the nation granted an interview to a private Brazilian channel that was interested in understanding the role of our country within this organisation, a question which H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo answered.

Text: Deogracias Ekomo
Photos: Miguel Ángel Mba Onva
(Presidential Press Team)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

