The Equatorial Guinea Embassy in London replies to the smears against the Head of State in the British press

The Republic of Equatorial Guinea Embassy in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, through this message, expresses its total repulsion and rejection of the press articles published on 10th and 12th September 2016, published by the British newspapers The Sun and The Daily Mail, respectively.

While the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, its Government and its People are great defenders of freedom of expression, together with the freedom of the press, the readers of these newspapers should be aware that the articles in question have little to do with the true spirit underlying the right of every human to express his convictions, opinions and truths, providing these expressions cause no damage or harm to persons or groups. Freedom of expression should not allow or include racist, religious or nationalist views, nor should it incite violence or actions of a similar nature against persons.

The journalists Thomas Burrows (The Daily Mail) and Neal Baker (The Sun) will surely be aware of the current legislation in their country, Great Britain, which stipulates that political freedom of expression is protected only when it is relevant to, concerns or is of interest to the public (British, in this case). But the articles published this month bring into question the ethics professed by the aforementioned journalists. Their allegations of cannibalism, apart from being ridiculous, lack any basis or truth, they are completely irrelevant. A closer reading of British legislation on political freedom of expression reveals that this must be “necessary and proportionate” and must have a “legitimate end”. These two reporters, together with their editors/chiefs decided to ignore the duty to NOT defame, in favour of the indulgence and temptation for sensationalism, falsehood and pure innuendo.

It is regrettable that the British public has to feed off such imagination and fantasy, through reporters who have little in common with dignified professionals such as Glenn Greenwald, Louis Theroux, Kate Adie, Robert Fisk, James O’brien, Paul Shirley, or the unmistakable Christiane Amanpour, who would not dare to issue an opinion before previously ensuring their sources and facts were reliable. These true journalists do not skimp on their social responsibility or factual truth, to which they are beholden.

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Head of State and President of our beloved Republic of Equatorial Guinea, has been tolerating gratuitous slurs, defamation and offence from the British press against his person in recent years. The Equatorial Guinea Embassy has already had to pass on the the British government its disagreement and indignation regarding certain unacceptable allegations in the past, and on this occasion has used the opportune means to reiterate its firm disagreement with the outrages directed against the Head of State. Likewise, various British law firms have been consulted by the Mission, in order to receive advice on the pertinent legal procedures, in order that the defamation published by The Sun and The Daily Mail can be immediately retracted and the articles removed from the online editions of these publications.

London, 14th September 2016



Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Equatorial Guinea Government Participates in Oil and Gas Licensing Round

A delegation of the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons of Equatorial Guinea has arrived in Singapore to promote the oil and gas licensing round. During the CWC LNG & Gas Series: 8th Asia Pacific Summit, to be held September 20-23 at the Grand Hyatt in Singapore, the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons welcomes companies to submit letters of interest.

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EG Ronda 2016, as it is known, will open opportunities for companies in South-East Asia and Australia to take part in the round. H.E. Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons, said the low cost environment presents the best opportunity to acquire licenses and explore.

“Now is the best time to explore for oil and gas in Equatorial Guinea, when the cost of drilling a well is cheaper and when you have access to a wealth of advanced geological data,” said H.E the Minister. “Equatorial Guinea’s legacy of exploration success and strong partnerships with international companies create a perfect environment for upstream investment.”

The Minister made a keynote presentation at 9:05 am on September 21, 2016. The Ministry delegation is available for meetings with interested parties. The MMH invites bids on all open acreage outside of blocks under direct negotiation – 17 licenses in total. EG Ronda 2016 launched on June 6, 2016 at the Africa Oil & Power conference and will conclude on November 30, 2016.

Active participation of Equatorial Guinea in the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly

The Equatoguinean delegation, led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Agapito Mba Mokuy, took active part in a series of consecutive meetings which were held at the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly.



Mba Mokuy attended a plenary session of the United Nations Summit on Refugees and Migrants, a meeting called at a head of Government level in order to address the problem of the mass movements or refugees and migrants, and to strengthen the governability of international migration. Furthermore, the meeting served as an opportunity to create a more responsible system, capable of predicting and responding to mass movement of human groups.

Agapito Mba Mokuy also met African Heads of State at the second Africa-United States Business Forum, co-organised by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the United States Department of Trade. Equatorial Guinea is at the centre of an ambitious plan to diversify its economy through expansion, in particular of the agricultural, fishing, mining, finance, telecommunications, petrochemicals and manufacturing sectors.

Anatolio Ndong Mba, Equatorial Guinea Permanent Representative to the United Nations, attended the conference on climate change.

Equatorial Guinea will host a series of UN programmes on its territories, including those from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UNICEF, and the UN Development Programme.

Text and photos: Qorvis
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Opening of the Library at the Equatoguinean Cultural Centre

On Thursday 22nd September, at 15.00, at the Equatoguinean Cultural Centre, the opening ceremony took place for the library, a project financed by the company Exxon Mobil, with state support from Gepetrol and the Ministry for Mines and Hydrocarbons.



The act began with a reading of the technical report on the library, listing the funds and materials received, under the presidency of the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Culture and Craft Promotion, José Antonio Esono Abeso Máquina; the Vice-Minister for Mines and Hydrocarbons, Agapito Edu Ndong; the Director General of Cultural Centres, Cinema and Theatres, Teódulo Mba Obono, and the director of the oil company.

The updating, adaptation, and improvement of general resources and services project presented by Felipe Obama, chief librarian, consists in a donation of 4,000 books and other resource materials, such as computers, furniture, office equipment, etc.

David Findley, director of the subsidiary of the multinational oil company Exxon Mobil in Equatorial Guinea, confirmed the commitment from his company to the development of education in the company: “Everything that has been achieved has been possible due to the good business environment governing our relationship with Equatoguinean institutions. The contracts governing our commercial relations with the State must be respected in order to guarantee success in the future”.

For his part, the Secretary of State for Culture declared that the ministry led by Guillermina Mekuy Mba Obono welcomed “the initiative to establish this library at the centre; we are hopeful that this will become one of the attractions and meeting points for students, teachers, researchers, and those who need to read or are reading enthusiasts”.

The Vice-Minister for Mines thanked Exxon Mobil for their donation, and equally asked the librarians to look after and protect the gift, which will contribute towards the training of future generations.

After the speeches, the representative of the Poveda Centre presented certificates to the four librarians who have completed a training course.

The cutting of the ceremonial ribbon by the Vice-Minister for Mines, a tour of the library, and cocktails, brought the opening ceremony to a close, which was attended by various officials, both institutional and local.

Text and photos: Jorge-Abeso Ndong Nneme (CCEG Communications Department)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Ceiba Intercontinental opens offices in Yaunde

The national airline officially opened its offices in the Cameroon capital. The ceremony took place during the tourism itinerary carried out by the company to strengthen its commercial ties with the Gran Hotel Djibloho, from 9th to 10th of this month, from Malabo to the new city of Djibloho, via Duala, Yaunde and Mongomo.

Tomás Mecheba Fernández cutting the ceremonial ribbon.
Tomás Mecheba Fernández cutting the
ceremonial ribbon.


This tourist route was led by the Minster of State for Tourism, Tomás Mecheba Fernández, assisted by the Secretary of State, José Mba Obama Bendomo, and the deputy director general from Ceiba Intercontinental, Teodomiro Monsuy Eyi, representing the head of the company, Bienvenido Esono Abeso.

The delegation, made up of over thirty members, set off from the presidential pavilion at Malabo International Airport, on board a 250-seat Boeing 777-200LR, given the name of “Djibloho”, bound for the new city of the same name.

At Duala airport, the first stop on the itinerary in the Republic of Cameroon, the jet took on board over thirty passengers; among them figures from that country, Equatoguinean residents in Cameroon, and numerous local journalists.

Twenty minutes later, the Boeing landed at the Nsimalen International Airport, in Yaunde. There, the delegation was received by the Equatorial Guinea Ambassador to Cameroon, Anastasio Asumu Mum Muñoz, who joined the trip; the director of Cameroon airports, Franck Oyono Ngo’o; Ceiba employees, and a choir from the RDPC political party, among others.

Mecheba Fernández and the group went to the airport offices to cut the ceremonial ribbon on the new agency, which will add further flexibility for activities and trips for customers of the airline in the neighbouring country.

An hour and a half later, the jet landed at the Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo International Airport in Mongomeyen, from where the delegation travelled to Djibloho.

The Gran Hotel Djibloho was the setting for the speeches from officials, moments before the refreshments and performances by guest artists. In their speeches, Mecheba Fernández and Monsuy Eyi welcomed the attendance at the event, and the deputy director general of the company, Catalina Martínez Asumu, reported on the aim of the trip; to strengthen the commercial ties between the airline and the Gran Hotel Djibloho.

On their return to Malabo, after a visit to the Mongomo Basilica, the Equatoguinean and Cameroon delegations went to Sipopo and the National Park, among other tourist destinations.

As a culmination, the Cameroon guests were seen off with a lunch at the Hotel Hilton Bisila, in Malabo. After that, they returned to their country on a Ceiba Boeing.

The trip was attended by the Minister for Civil Aviation, Fausto Abeso Fuma, together with the ambassadors from Chad and Cameroon to Equatorial Guinea, Ngarayanan Djague Nahari and Lazare Mpoule Bala, respectively, and the Director General for the Advancement and Promotion of Tourism, María Milagrosa Nchama, among other officials.

Report: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Russia backs Equatorial Guinea candidacy for UN Security Council

The decision was revealed on Thursday 15th September by the Russian Federation Plenipotentiary Extraordinary Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy, during a meeting with the Head of State, S. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, which also served to pass on greetings of friendship sent by the Russian President, H. E. Vladimir Putin, to his Equatoguinean counterpart.

The President receiving Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy.
The President receiving Nikolai L.


During the audience, H. E: Obiang Nguema Mbasogo referred to the next working visit to Malabo by the Special Representative of H. E: Vladimir Putin to Africa and the Middle East, in order to intensify cooperation between the two countries in matters of the economy and finance, among other sectors.

“This was an excellent meeting, very warm and very friendly, with the Equatoguinean Head of State. It is a pleasure for me to pass on to H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo the decision from Moscow to support the candidacy of Equatorial Guinea for the post of non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2017-2019″, said the Russian diplomat, before the press.

Nikolai L. Ratsiborinskiy also said that Russia was open and available to open close cooperation with Equatoguinean diplomacy, and explained the Moscow’s policy of reform for economic development, within the context of the world economic crisis. Furthermore he welcomed the re-election of H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo as Head of State. “The changes and the development reached by the Republic of Equatorial Guinea are very popular in the Russian press”, he concluded.

The audience was attended by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Agapito Mba Mokuy, together with senior officials from the Russian diplomatic headquarters.

On the same day, Thomas Boni Yayi, the former President of the Republic of Benin, also spoke to H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo at the People’s Palace in Malabo. The matters addressed at the meeting were the unity and stability of Africa, together with the crisis, and the fight for the emergence of the continent.

Both also commented on the conflicts affecting some African countries, youth employment, and reforms to the UN Security Council.

Finally Boni Yayi expressed gratitude to the President for the organisation and successful holding of the 5th Assembly of the Forum of African Former Leaders, held in Djibloho.

Text: María Jesús Nsang
Photos: Miguel Ángel Andjimi
(Presidential Press Team)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Equatorial Guinea assumes presidency of Central Africa Police Chiefs Committee

José Ondo Ondo, Director General of National Security, is the current president of the Central Africa Police Chiefs Committee (CCPAC), a responsibility which was formerly held by the Cameroonese, Martin Mbarga Nguele. The transfer of presidency took place on Friday 9th September, during the opening ceremony for the 17th Meeting of Central African Police Chiefs, overseen by the Minister for National Security, Nicolás Obama Nchama.


The aim of the 17th Meeting is to consolidate the efforts of police cooperation to combat all types of delinquency in member States of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC), with the support of Interpol.

The act began with the singing of the Interpol, CEMAC; CCPAC and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea anthems. After that there was a presentation of the CEMAC police chiefs.

The new president of the CCPAC, José Ondo Ondo, before taking over his responsibilities, recalled in his speech that the internationalisation of crime and terrorism allows for prevention strategies to be adopted which must be accompanied by the strengthening of effective cooperation.

He also highlighted the need to establish regular border contact, and use cooperation as an instrument for maintaining stability on the African continent.

For his part, the General Secretary of Interpol, Jurgen Stock, in addition to praising the organisation of the meeting, said that Africa represents the diversity of extraordinarily rapid progress with huge growth, as its leaders are working to strengthen the fight against crime.

Furthermore, he stressed the need to maintain security for the progress of African countries against world threats: “Boko Haram is causing havoc in Central Africa, in addition to the export of natural resources, the trafficking of cannabis, the use of smartphones to make payments to criminals, coordinated multimillion robberies… Without laws to combat this situation, we will continue to have serious problems. Interpol continues to provide help, and we are providing support on the ground, for public order agencies and for others”.

The outgoing CCPAC president, Martin Mbarga, presented a report on activities, and began by thanking the President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea for providing the necessary measures for the organisation and success of this meeting, which he described as an opportunity to evaluate the progress made and achievements in matters of security in the sub-region.

In addition, he referred to the situation of crime in the sub-region, in which the terrorism of Boko Haram continues to be a threat in Cameroon and Chad.

“Terrorism is a way of threatening stability in the sub-region. From 2015 to date, in the sub-region, there have been 379 attacks and 56 bombings, which have caused 500 deaths, more than 100 displaced persons, and multiple kidnappings. This form of crime also includes illegal hunting; the illegal exploitation of wood, drug trafficking, the sale of counterfeit medicines, cybercrime and the proliferation of small arms, which are factors that continue to threaten security”, declared Martin Mbarga Nguele.

The Minister for National Security, in his opening speech, in addition to welcoming the delegations, underlined the importance of military cooperation, and reiterated the importance of the concept of police cooperation.

Obama Nchama went on to say that the matters debated at this meeting are relevant, and must be treated with rigour, taking into account the proliferation of delinquency and terrorism in the sub-region.

He also mentioned various Government actions, such as the proposal to create a committee of experts from Interpol in Equatorial Guinea, cooperation in criminal police matters, the reporting of stolen or destroyed Equatoguinean passports, etc. He added that our country can benefit from the necessary measures from Interpol, such as the training of personnel in the use of work tools. To conclude, Obama Nchama praised the good relationship of police cooperation between Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon.

Text and photos: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Malayan entrepreneurs show interest in investing in Equatorial Guinea

The director general of GEPetrol, Antonio Oburu Ondo, accompanied by close collaborators, made the first step towards the setting up of commercial relations with Malaysian companies at a meeting held at the Matrade Conventions and Exhibitions Centre in Kuala Lumpur, under the auspices of the Malaysia Chamber of Trade, on Wednesday 17th August.



Within the framework of the policy of diversification in economic activity and attraction of foreign capital, the director general expressed, before entrepreneurs and representatives such as Petronas, the fifth largest oil company in the world’s rankings, Malaysian Marine & Heavy Engineering Holding Berhad, and the Malaysian Oil & Gas Services Council, among others, the possibility of investment in Equatorial Guinea, together with information about GEPetrol and the advantages and guarantees offered by the largest national company for petroleum services.

For his part, the legal director, Jonás Nsue Mikue, presented the legal framework guaranteeing business activities in the country, the fiscal guarantees offered by the Government to foreign investors, and obligations of local content.

Rufino Esono Mangue, head of the Coordination of Grants, explained the policy of GEPetrol in the preparation of qualified human resources.

Following the presentation, various companies expressed strong interest in wishing to establish business relations with the national company.

Source and photos: GEPetrol
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Seminar methodologies and capacity-building to negotiate transparent, equitable and durable contracts

Seminar methodologies and capacity-building to negotiate transparent, equitable and durable contracts in extractive industries



This seminar two days, was conducted by Mrs. Claudine SIGAM, expert of the United Nations System; in collaboration with the Illustrious Mr. Jose Luis Elema Borengue , former Director General of Mines and Quarries. It aimed to instruct technicians Department methodologies and capacity-building to negotiate transparent, equitable and durable contracts in the extractive industries of the governments of the African continent. Hon. Titular Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons, Don Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima highlighted the commitment of the Department of Mines and Hydrocarbons, to continue to train technicians to achieve a high level according to the government’s expectations. Our desire has always been to provide our engineers and geologists with the necessary tools to reinforce the one hand, their capacities for negotiating mining and petroleum contracts; on the other hand, execution and control of contracts between the Ministry and the companies. And as always, the Ministry thanked the Head of State and Government S.E Obiang Nguema Mbasogo , for the trust placed in us as an essential part in the economic development that is knowing the Republic of Equatorial Guinea; For this reason, we focus on the daily work and the training of officials of the ministerial department to remain architects of our continued development.

TEXT AND PHOTOS: Mary Queen Anvene Esono (MMH).

(Press section Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons)

Equatorial Guinea Inaugurates Pioneering CNG Plant

  • Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy and SONAGAS officially inaugurate compressed natural gas infrastructure
  • CNG bus terminal and cooking gas bottling plant situated at Punta Europa gas processing center
  • Equatorial Guinea is the first country in the region to introduce CNG and gas-powered public transport


Equatorial Guinea has unveiled the latest in a series of pioneering infrastructure projects: a compressed natural gas plant powering a fleet of public buses.


The facility was officially opened by H.E. PRESIDENT TEODORO OBIANG NGUEMA MBASOGO, H.E. Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, and executives of national gas company SONAGAS on January 26, 2016. In attendance were numerous government officials and state company representatives.


The CNG plant is located next to the Punta Europa gas complex to the west of Malabo. It includes a bus terminal and a gas-powered bus fleet, cooking gas bottling facility, and upgraded road infrastructure. The introduction of CNG buses will reduce emissions and improve public transport availability in Malabo and other cities.


H.E. the Minister stated: “Equatorial Guinea has plentiful natural gas reserves, and it is our goal to provide access to this domestic resource to our citizens. With the introduction of pioneering compressed natural gas infrastructure, we can now offer clean, cost effective gas-powered public transport to the residents of Malabo and Bata.” The CNG facility is considered an important component in the government’s Horizon 2020 economic development plan. It also allows Equatorial Guinea to develop and export technological expertise in this new industry, as well as provide CNG gas to neighboring countries.


Use of CNG in much of Africa remains at a low level, despite uptake in South Africa, Egypt and Nigeria. With the inauguration of its new facility, Equatorial Guinea is creating new demand for its domestic gas resource and distinguishes itself as an early adopter of the technology in sub-Saharan Africa.

