Equatorial Guinea attends ICT meeting for members of the CPLP

A delegation from Equatorial Guinea, led by the Minister for Telecommunications and New Technologies, Maximiliano Meko Aveme, attended in Mozambique, from 17th to 19th August, the meeting of Communication Ministers of the CPLP, with the aim of drawing up and signing an agreement on the digitisation of the member countries within the community.


The delegation, which also included the Director General of the Regulatory 1471644000Body for Telecommunications in Equatorial Guinea (ORTEL), Hermógenes Nzang Esono, attended this meeting held from 17th to 19th of August, in Maputo, with the aim of drawing up and signing an agreement on the digitisation of member countries within the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), which was studied at a prior meeting held in Portugal, from 6th to 10th of July, 2016.

The meeting held on Portuguese soil, attended exclusively by the regulatory bodies for telecommunications, had as its aim the analysis and setting up of various strategic plans to eradicate the digital gap between member countries of the CPLP, a dossier that would be carefully analysed and later signed in Maputo by the ministers for telecommunications from the countries within the community, on Friday 19th August.

According to ORTEL, the CPLP foresees a future for Telecommunications/ICT and the digitisation of member countries with a view to the future, specifically for 2020. Within this same group of ideas, and according to the CPLP, all countries within the community will have to equal or reach a maximum technological level in order to close the gap.

According to reports from telecommunications engineers, a digital gap is significant when the technology is not affordable for the whole world, and the International Telecommunications Union (UIT) plans to eradicate this technological limitation.

Text: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DGPWIGE)
Photos and Information: ORTEL

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Decrees on dismissals and appointments of Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Officials

The Presidency of the Republic has issued orders and decrees on dismissals and appointments of Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Officials in various Government departments. The entire contents are included below.


Decree number 86/2016, of 16th August, ordering the Dismissal of 1471489443Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Officials in the various Ministerial Departments of the State Civil Administration.

For the convenience of a better service, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph h) of Basic State Law, I hereby order the cessation of Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Officials in the various Ministerial Departments of the State Civil Administration.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 16th day of the month of August, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Decree number 87/2016, of 16th August, ordering the appointment of Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Officials in the various Ministerial Departments of the State Civil Administration.

As required under these circumstances, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph h) of Basic State Law, I hereby appoint the following Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals and Officials in the various Ministerial Departments of the State Civil Administration..

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 16th day of the month of August, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Attached Documents: Name of the document #1: prz2_nombramientosDG2016-ilovepdf-compressed(2).pdf

Head of State launches Alba B3 Project of Understanding

On 17th August the President of the Republic, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, oversaw the launch of the Alba B3 Project of Understanding in the presence of the Burkina Faso leader, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, who was on an official visit to our country.


The first speaker at the act was the president of the Marathon Oil Corporation, who presented an audit of the history of his company.
Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons, as head of the sector, said that this act was no less than the expression of the will of the Government led by H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, towards the emergence of the nation under Horizonte 2020. He also told the story of petroleum exploitation in our country to the present day.

Present were leaders of constitutional bodies, the Government, the General Secretary of the PDGE, leaders of parties of the democratic opposition, the diplomatic corps and representatives from international bodies, and the Burkina Faso entourage, together with directors and employees of Marathon.

The President of the Republic, after thanking those present for attending, expressed the desire of the Government and the people to continue working shoulder to shoulder with foreign investment, taking into account that our country has very flexible investment laws, under which any investment which is for the benefit of the population is welcome.

Following a blessing from a priest and the unveiling of a plaque, both leaders visited various installations within the industry.

The Alba B3 field is one of the largest complexes for condensate and natural gas in the Gulf of Guinea. Its main aim is the processing of various products, among them gas, liquid petroleum, propane and butane. There are three installations, the construction of which has included the participation of companies from our country for the manufacture of the platform burner and the bridge structures, together with other engineering work, and Marathon has thus fulfilled their promise to strengthen the local capacity within the country.

Following this launch, the hall of honour at Malabo International Airport was the setting for the farewell ceremony for the Burkina Faso delegation, led by its head of state.

The two Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation then signed and read the joint communiqué resulting from the work carried out by both delegations during the 24 hours here in Malabo.

On this occasion, Agapito Mba Mokuy ceded the honour to his Burkina Faso counterpart to reveal details of the various agreements adopted, together with admiration from his Government for that of our country for the political leadership of His Excellency Obiang Nguema Mbasogo in our continent. Through this document he also praised the constant organisation of international events in our country.

At the end of the ceremony, H. E. Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, accompanied by his counterpart, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, was sent off with military honours. With a brotherly embrace, and satisfaction with the results of the meeting, their excellencies Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and Roch Marc Christian Kaboré said farewell on the steps of the presidential plane.

Text: Deogracias Ekomo Ndong Asue
Photos: Miguel Ángel Andjimi
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Ceiba Launch Their Website and New Services

The official launch of the offical website and services of Call Center and Ceiba Fidelity took place at the company’s headquarters on Friday 12th August, in presence of their Director General, Bienvenido Esono Engonga.


The presentation began with words from the Sales Manager, Salvador Eni Obiang, who welcomed the attendees to the official launch of the website and the services of Call Center and Ceiba Fidelity.

The Assistant Sales Manager, Catalina Martínez Asumu, was next to take the floor and explained the objective of these three services in detail.

According to Martínez Asumu, Ceiba Intercontinental has been working on this project for a long time and as of today, it has been pertinent to the present line of these projects, in order to strengthen their client relations.

The institutional website
will serve to choose and book a trip with all facilities at competitive prices. With the Call Center service (+34 91 737 52 00), the client will enjoy a personalised and effective service at the price of a local call, while they can accumulate points with Ceiba Fidelity which will offer several advantages such as free or discounted tickets, as well as gifts and promotions.

During his speech, Esono Engonga firstly congratulated the Assisstant Sales Manager for her brilliant exhibition, and appreciated the support that the government provided to the company.

In the section on various matters, the attendees presented their observations and doubts that were explained by Martínez Asumu.

The Assistant Director General, Teodomiro Monsuy Eyi, area managers, personnel of the organisation and guests were also present at this meeting.

Text and Photos: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office).

The First Lady receives the president of the Trumpet Foundation

The First Lady of the Nation, Constancia Mangue de Obiang, received on Saturday, August 6, in the African Palace of Bata, the president of the Trumpet Foundation, Xernona Clayton.

08/08/2016The first lady

Before her meeting with the First Lady, the President of the Trumpet Foundation had already met on Friday 5, in Malabo, the Prime Minister, in charge of Administrative Coordination, Francisco Pascual Obama Asue, who had informed her of his intention to grant an award to Constancia Mangue, in recognition for her humanitarian work.

During the hearing, Xernona Clayton said: “A good deed can change the world; we are here because of her good deeds” in relation to the role played by the First Lady as a benefactor of the poor.

Meanwhile, the wife of the President of the Republic reaffirmed that she does not perform good deeds for rewards: “I do not do good for awards, I do it because it’s my duty. God who made me First Lady of Equatorial Guinea; however, I am receiving the gratitude of the Trumpet Foundation by my work.”

Constancia Mangue de Obiang will be presented with this prestigious award in 2017.

Text: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)

Photos: Higinio Ondo Obiang (First Lady Press)

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office).

