The UMAC Council of Ministers validates the themes for the CEMAC Summit

Work has been focused on the monetary policy of the Economic Union of Central Africa and the socio-economic accords with the European Union.


Before the need to revitalize the political and economic institutions of CEMAC (the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa), the Council of Ministers of the Economic Union of Central Africa (UEAC) evaluated the topics that will be presented at the Summit of Heads of State on Saturday 30 July.

The evolution of monetary policy in Central Africa has been one of those issues, as well as the report on the socio-economic agreement with the European Union.

The work of the Council of Ministers began on 23 July and will end on 30 July.

At the meeting, among others, attendees included the Chairperson of the CEMAC Commission, Rosario Mbasogo Kung and the Minister of State to the Presidency of Government responsible for Regional Integration, Baltasar Engonga General Edjo.

Photos: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DPGWIGE)
Institutional Web Page General Directorate (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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Equatorial Guinea, present at the Forum of Cooperation China-Africa

A delegation from Equatorial Guinea, led by the Minister of Finance, Miguel Engonga Obiang, and made up of other senior members of the Government, participates at the Forum of Cooperation China-Africa (FOCAC), which is being held in Beijing from 26 to 30 July.


The delegation is headed by the Minister of Finance and Budgets, Miguel Engonga Obiang Eyang, and composed of the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure, Pedro Ondo Nguema; the Minister of Industry and Energy, Eugenio Edu Ndong and Narciso Ntugu Abeso, advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among other authorities.

At the forum, recommendations of the conference held in Johannesburg will be implemented, in relation to the strengthening of China-Africa cooperation, which are summarized by the following points:

1- Legality and confidence in the political sphere; south-south cooperation at the cultural level; assistance at the level of security and cooperation in international conflicts.

2- Effectiveness regarding the promotion of Africa’s industrialization and modernization.

3- Exchange of points of view based on friendship, justice and shared interests.
Since the 26th, the Equatorial Guinea’s delegation has been actively participating in ministerial meetings and holding meetings with financial institutions to review the financing agreements in order to carry out the projects facing Horizon 2020.

Because of the efforts of the Government, negotiations with banks are currently productive.

Text and photos: Tiberio Edu Okenve Abegue (Third Secretary of the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in Beijing)

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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General Secretaries sworn in by the President

After attending the 27th ordinary session of the African Union Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Kigali, capital of the Republic of Rwanda, on 16th and 17th July, the new general secretaries appointed under Decree 74/2016, on 18 July, took their oaths before the President of the Republic.


The second Vice prime Minister, Charged with Parliamentary Relations and Judicial Affairs, Ángel Mesie Mibuy; the Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Presidential Security, Antonio Mba Nguema and other members of the Government, who until now had not taken their oaths for justified reasons, were the first to raise their hands before H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, followed by the new general secretaries of the different ministers.

During the ceremony in one of the rooms of the People’s Palace in Malabo, in the presence of the Vice President of the Republic, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue; the presidents of the constitutional bodies; the Prime Minister, Charged with Administrative Coordination, Francisco Pascual Obama Asue; and ministers of the different departments, the Head of State said the general secretaries are the pillars of ministerial administration operations.

He also said that their work is to coordinate and drive the functioning of official bodies given that, in the absence of the ministers, these will assume the responsibility for and take charge of discipline, and to ensure that public servants arrive punctually at their places of work and meet their obligations.

The President likewise spoke of transparency and honesty as basic qualities for the job; as well as management of the revenue destined for State coffers given that, without economic resources, development of the state cannot be achieved.

As well as focusing on the economic crisis, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo assured that the revenue the ministries can generate is essential for recovery.

Last, he invited the senior officials to have a nationalist spirit, and avoid any circumstance that stops the current development of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

Text: Maria Jesús Nsang

Photos: Manuel Mangue

(Presidential Press Team)

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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Graduation of Equatorial Guinean university students in the People’s Republic of China

A total of 41 students from Equatorial Guinea have graduated in different universities of the People’s Republic of China in fields such as Engineering, Finance, Economics and International Commerce, Medicine, International Law, Political Science and Administration.


The Government of the People’s Republic of China offers 35 scholarships each year to students from our country, due to the excellent relations it shares with the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. Thanks to these subsidies, numerous Equatorial Guinean youths have been able to continue their university training in the Asian giant.

The student representative in that country, Antonio Sima Obama, graduated this year in International Relations and Public administration, and is among the best finalists of this year. He will be replaced as student representative by Javier Ekua Ondo.

Source: Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the People’s Republic of China

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office
Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

The new Malabo National Park opens to the public

On 16 July, the new National Park of Malabo was opened to the public. The park is place of recreation for the residents of Malabo as well as visitors to the capital.

1468796800The park is located in the new Malabo II area and has a planned surface area of some 870,000 square meters, for visitors to enjoy their leisure time in complete tranquillity. It also has restaurants, a sports area, children’s areas, green spaces, a lake with jet-skis and boats, an art gallery and more.

The Malabo National Park forms part of the works undertaken by the Government of the Republic to improve the recreational offering of the city and which can be accessed at popular prices of 500 CFA (less than a euro) for adults and 250 CFA for children.

A festive atmosphere was discernible at the different installations that are now available to visitors in the National Park of Malabo.

To ensure the safety of all visitors, the Ministry of National Security has deployed more than thirty troops from the army corps.

General Directorate of the Institutional Web page (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

IMF delegation concludes mission

1468457065On Wednesday 13th July the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, which began on 30th June, concluded with recommendations to improve our country’s economy.


The IMF Adviser for Africa, Montie Mlacila, in a statement to the press on completing the work, recognised the support and cooperation that the IMF mission received from the ministerial departments involved, together with companies and public agencies, affirming that “we have received a lot of data, and also the documentation necessary to carry out the work”.

In relation to the challenges that Equatorial Guinea must overcome, he mentioned the drop in the price of hydrocarbons, which is a significant challenge for Equatorial Guinea, together with the reduction in oil production. Regarding the economic situation, he said that it continued to be difficult in 2015, due also to the reduction in oil production.

For his part, the Minister of Finance and Budgets, Miguel Engonga Obiang Eyang pointed out that the conclusions adopted following the work are in line with what the Government had concluded in its own analysis. “We are satisfied because it is a report that firstly recognises the efforts of the Government in relation to development, with respect to social development indicators”.

He also said that there had been deficiencies that had been highlighted in relation to the business climate and tourism, which are sectors that can be developed in our country, because tourism is currently a global industry that provides resources and activity to many countries.

Concerning activities in the customs sector, the Minister of Finance highlighted the fact that the Government had deployed actions to improve the sector, with the installation in customs of a computer program for the payment of taxes, the reform of tax law, and the adoption of a fiscal amnesty law, which would also contribute towards the collection of taxes.

All these projects are aimed at economic diversification, in order to create more activity and increase tax revenue.

Text and photos: Clemente Ela Ondo Onguene (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

The company SBM Offshore formalises its services in Equatorial Guinea

146828296612/07/2016. On Monday 11th July, the company SBM Offshore formalised its services in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea. The signing of agreements took place at the Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons, between the Minister Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima and Nicholas Gillard, the company representative.

The Minister of Mines and Hydrocarbons, Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, oversaw the act formalising the services of the oil company SBM Offshore in Equatoguinean territory, in one of the meeting rooms at the department.

The first to speak was the Director General for National Content, Oscar Vicente García Bérniko, who told the plenary session about the circumstances under which the company would operate during the years of service in the country.

Following the signing of the agreement between Mbega Obiang Lima and Nicholas Gillard, the branch head spoke, and congratulated the company on this step, and urged others to do the same.

Gillard, in his address, expressed gratitude for the efforts of the Government and the Minister for the management and support provided daily to companies in the mines and hydrocarbons sector.

The meeting was attended by the branch Vice-Minister, Agapito Edu Ndong, departmental advisers, director generals, and various section heads.

Text and photos: Mansueto Loeri Bomohagasi (DGPWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Invitation to the International Forum on Investment and Infrastructure Construction

146802342209/07/2016. The Minister for Public Works, Pedro Ela Nguema, met with figures from the Chinese government, who gave him an official invitation to attend the 8th Edition of the International Forum on Investment and Infrastructure Construction.

The Chinese diplomat extended an official invitation to the Minister of Public Works, Pedro Ela Nguema, to attend the 8th Edition of the International Forum on Investment and Infrastructure Construction, which will take place in Macao.

The Equatoguinean minister asked for more collaboration from this friendly country with respect to the execution of work that the Government is undertaking in Equatorial Guinea. For his part, the Chinese official congratulated Ela Nguema on his appointment as head of the Public Works portfolio.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Meeting with IMF experts

146793116708/07/2016. Those responsible for State Budgets and Assets have answered questions relating to strategies for the reduction in poverty, and Government projects, at a meeting attended by experts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) The 2015 census and data and indicators from the Household Survey from last year were also analysed at the meeting.

The heads of the National Institute of Statistics pointed to the six basic programmes of the Equatoguinean Government for 2020, focussing on electricity, water, health, education and employment for all.

Another of the institutions present reported to the IMF of the rate of population growth, which has gone up by 3.5% in comparison with previous years since 1994.

Furthermore, they provided data on the development in progress in the country.

The evaluation work which the IMF is carrying out will continue until Friday 8th July.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Agreement signed between GEPETROL and CLICTIC

1468012594On 7th July, the First Deputy Director General of GEPETROL; Vicente Abeso Mbuy, and the Executive President of CLICTIC; Brais Blanco Rodicio, signed a cooperation agreement on on-line training services and education.

Within the framework if initiatives led by the General Directorate of the Equatorial Guinea National Oil Company (GEPETROL), with the aim of improving the capabilities of its human resources in order to obtain maximum profits for the company, and outline a career path for employees, on 7th July the company GEPETROL signed a cooperation agreement with the company CLICTIC, that specialises in on-line training services and education.

The agreement was signed by the Executive President – Administrator of CLICTIC, Mr. Brais Blanco Rodicio, and the First Deputy Director General, Mr. Vicente Abeso Mbuy, representing the Director General, Mr. Antonio Oburu Ondó.

With the signing of this agreement, GEPETROL is continuing to back innovation in order to strengthen its human resources, promote talent, and become a benchmark in corporate creativity.

Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

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