Bill Higgs, COO, Ophir Energy – Interview at Africa Oil & Gas Assembly

Ophir 4615776321FLNG project on the West Coast. How companies are investing during the downturn. What opportunity represent Equatorial Guinea.
The Fortuna FLNG development will be Africa’s first deep-water independent FLNG project. The project entered FEED in July 2015 and FID is expected during 2016 with the first gas forecast for 2020. The field is expected to produce 2.2mmtpa and Ophir currently has an 80% working interest.



Academic visit from a Madrid university to the UNGE

Filiberto Ntutumu Nguema.29/06/2016 – A group of professors and students from the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid (Spain) has been received on the university campus of the UNGE by its rector, Filiberto Ntutumu Nguema.

“The main fabric of this country is in this old building. Here a great country is being built”. Thus spoke Francisco Piñero, vice-rector of the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid, during his visit to the university campus in Malabo.

Six professors and numerous students from the Francisco de Vitoria University attended the first meeting on academic mobility to take place at the National University of Equatorial Guinea (UNGE), to set out the new areas of university cooperation, relaunched by the Rector Filiberto Ntutumu Nguema.

This group of professors and students is being looked after by the Faculty of Humanities in Bata, where they will exchange academic experiences.

Ntutumu Nguema described this visit as “fruitful”, and recognised that the UNGE is a young institution that will understand how to take advantage of the vast experience of the Madrid institution.

The group visited the headquarters of the United Nations in our country, and the new campus under construction, before moving to Bata.

The Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid has an academic record going back over twenty years, particularly in relation to the world of work.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).


Decree designating the new Secretaries of State

146715441829/06/2016 Decree number 65/2016, of 28 June, naming Secretaries of State in the various ministerial departments of the State Civil Administration.

With the conclusion of the process of the presidential elections, held on April 24th of this year, once sworn in and assuming the position of President of the Republic, in accordance with current legal provisions, and in accordance with that prescribed under article 37 paragraph 2 of Basic State Law, and with respect to the circumstances met by these person, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph H of Basic State Law, I hereby name the Secretaries of State in the various ministerial departments of the State Civil Administration as follows:

  1. Secretary of State to the Presidency, Charged with External Security, Mr Carmelo Obono Obiang.
  2. Secretary of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Audits, Mr Juan Ava Elo.
  3. Secretary of State to the Presidency of the Government, Charged with Roads, Tolls and Airport Infrastructures, Mr Pedro Ndong Obono.
  4. Secretary of State Charged with Immigration, Ms Aquilina Mangue Evuna Andeme.
  5. Secretary of State Charged with the General Treasury, Ms Milagrosa Obono Angue.
  6. Secretary of State for Financial Control, Mr Eusebio Ipico Penda.
  7. Secretary of State, Charged with Telecommunications and New Technologies, Mr Rufino Obono Ondo.
  8. Secretary of State, Charged with Primary and Secondary Education, Mr Pascual Ondo Masa.
  9. Secretary of State, Charged with Higher and University Education, Mr Bartolomé Ondo Ndong Nsing.
  10. Secretary of State, Charged with Health Care and Hospital Coordination, Mr Daniel Ángel Sima Mico.
  11. Secretary of State, Charged with Information, Press and Radio, Mr Miguel Antonio Obiang Avoro.
  12. Secretary of State, Charged with the Equatorial Guinea Horizonte 2020 Programme, Mr César Augusto Mba Abogo.
  13. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mr Cándido Nsue Okomo.
  14. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Culture and Craft Promotion, Mr José Antonio Esono Abeso Máquina.
  15. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Industry and Energy, Mr José María Ondo Oyono.
  16. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Town Planning, Mr Diosdado Nsue Meya.
  17. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Trade, Mr Hipólito Ondo Mbo Vela.
  18. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Work, Employment Promotion and Social Security, Mr Honorato Asama Ntugu.
  19. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Mr Nicolás Onyigi Akapo.
  20. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Tourism, Mr José Mba Mbengono.
  21. Secretary of State at the Ministry for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Businesses, Ms Felisa Rodríguez Sikale.
  22. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Mr Luciano Esono Biteghe.
  23. Secretary of State at the Ministry of Forests and the Environment, Mr Santiago Francisco Engonga Esono.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 28th day of the month of June, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

President holds audience with OACI delegation

146715649029/06/2016 H. E: Obiang Nguema Mbasogo granted an audience to the members of a delegation from the International Civil Aviation Organisation(OACI)visiting our country.

At the meeting, the President of the Republic, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, and members of the delegation, spoke about the evolution of civil aviation in Equatorial Guinea.
Fang Liu, General Secretary of the OACI, focussed the dialogue on matters of cooperation between the mission and the international organisation.

Photo: Manuel Mangue
(Presidential Press)

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Decree naming deputy ministers and vice-ministers

28/06/2016 Decree number 64/2016, of 27 June, naming deputy ministers and vice-ministers in the various ministerial departments of the State Civil Administration.

1467075753With the conclusion of the process of the presidential elections, held on April 24th of this year, once sworn in and assuming the position of President of the Republic, in accordance with current legal provisions, and in accordance with that prescribed under article 37 paragraph 2 of Basic State Law, and with respect to the circumstances met by these person, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph H of Basic State Law, I hereby name the remaining deputy members and vice-ministers of the various ministerial departments of the State Civil Administration as follows:

  1. Deputy Minister to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with External Security, Mr Juan Antonio Bibang Nchuchuma.
  2. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mr Salomón Nfa Ndong.
  3. Deputy Minister of Justice, Worship and Penitentiary Institutions, Mr Juan Olo Mba.
  4. Deputy Minister of the Interior and Local Corporations, Mr Marcelino Asumu Nsue Okomo.
  5. Deputy Minister of National Security, Mr Heriberto Meco Mbengono.
  6. Deputy Minister of Finance and Budgets, Ms Monserrat Afang Ondo.
  7. Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Mr Miguel Mba Nchama Mikue.
  8. Deputy Minister for Work, Employment Promotion and Social Security, Mr Alfredo Mitogo Mitogo Ada.
  9. Deputy Minister for Transport and the Post Office, Mr Joaquín Elema Borengue.
  10. Vice-minister to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Ceremonies and Translations, Mr Armando Dougan Champion.
  11. Vice-minister for National Defence, Mr Juvenal Mbomio Nsue.
  12. Vice-minister for the Economy, Planning and Investment, Mr Valentín Ela Maye.
  13. Vice-minister for Education and Science, Ms María Jesús Ncara Owono Mze.
  14. Vice-minster for Health and Social Welfare, Mr Práxedes Rabat Makambo.
  15. Vice-minister for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Businesses, Mr Domingo Mba Esono.
  16. Vice-minister for Public Works and Infrastructure, Mr. Fidel Nsue Micha.
  17. Vice-minister Charged with the Infrastructure of Djibloho, Mr. Enrique Ovono Ondo
  18. Vice-minister for Tourism, Mr Prudencio Botey Sobole.
  19. Vice-minister for Social Affairs and Gender Equality, Ms Esperanza Gertrudis Davies Eiso.
  20. Vice-minister for Public Administration and Administrative Reform, Mr Santiago Nsuebeya Barreiros.
  21. Vice-minister for Mines and Hydrocarbons, Mr Agapito Edu Ndong.
  22. Vice-minster for Fishing and Water Resources, Ms Adoración Salas Chonko.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 27th day of the month of June, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Seminar to exchange experiences in China

146680753625/06/2016 Gaudencio Mohaba Mesu, President of the Chamber of Deputies, was present at a seminar to exchange experiences in China, and returned to the country on Friday 24th June, following ten days of presentations, audiences with senior figures, and visits to companies and economic and tourism-related places of interest.

On his return to Malabo, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Gaudencio Mohaba Mesu, spoke of the results of the trip and the meetings which took place during the seminar:

“These are meetings to strengthen the ties of solidarity and cooperation between the countries of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and the People’s Republic of China. It is understood that China is a country which has supported the Republic of Equatorial Guinea greatly in difficult moments, and it continues to do so to date, and continues to be willing to help us. Above all now within the framework of the Horizonte 2020 programmes, which are entering the decisive phase, the phase of economic diversification”.

Furthermore, Mohaba Mesu referred to the experience he had in China, “it can help us a lot in the sectors of agriculture, livestock, fishing, and above all in industrialisation… Within this framework we have had meetings with the Vice-President of the Chinese People’s Assembly, and we also had a meeting with the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in this province, who is at the same time President of the Provincial Assembly. These figures have coincided in congratulating the President of Equatorial Guinea on the development taking place in the country, and above all expressed their desire to continue to support the development programmes taking place in our country”.

Regarding these programmes he recalled that “In this policy, the Chinese President and the China in Africa Summit in December 2015 made available to African countries a 60 thousand million dollar fund, It is for that reason that countries have to put forward projects which are viable, and create bridges of understanding. For that reason, through the instrument of parliamentary diplomacy, we are using these bridges in order that Chinese companies come here to operate in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in these sectors, which are to be the cultivation of rice and yucca to supply not only Equatorial Guinea, but the whole of Central Africa and, why not, some materials could also be taken to China.

Apart from this company, we have invited more Chinese companies to come and support us in this phase. We have also sent out invitations to the President of the Chinese People’s Assembly, to come and visit Equatorial Guinea, and he has accepted wholeheartedly, so we will organise his visit through the diplomatic channels. The Chamber of Deputies is working so that, between everyone, we can make the programmes under Horizonte 2020 reach a happy conclusion. This is not only the responsibility of the Government, but is a responsibility which concerns all State institutions”, he concluded.

The seminar concluded satisfactorily for both parties, and was an exchange of experiences which will benefit the relations of friendship and cooperation between Equatorial Guinea and the People’s Republic of China.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Message of Condolence from the President to the people and Government of India

146673070224/06/2016  H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Head of State of Equatorial Guinea, has sent a message of condolence to his Indian counterpart, H. E. Pranab Mukherjee, for the mortal victims and numerous injured as a result of the intense rainfall in the Asian country. The entire contents are published below.

“To His Excellency Pranab Mukherjee,

President of the Republic of India

(New Delhi)

Message of condolence:

Mr. President and Dear Friend,

We have received the sad and lamentable news of the lightning strikes due to the intense rain in recent days in the north east of your country, causing the death of 98 people and dozens of injured, predominantly farmers.

Saddened by the news, the people of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea and their Government join with me in expressing to Your Excellency and the Indian people our most heart-felt condolences for this lamentable event.

We ask Your Excellency to extend our condolences to the grieving families.

The greatest of regards,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic”.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).

Presidential Decree naming members of the Government

146672983224/06/2016 Presidential Decree number 62/2016, of 23rd June, naming the remaining members of the Government, in accordance with the provisions of Equatorial Guinea Basic Law.

With the conclusion of the process of the presidential elections, held on April 24th of this year, once sworn in and assuming the position of President of the Republic, in accordance with current legal provisions, and with the aim of complying with the constitutional mandate set out under article 37 paragraph 2 of Basic State Law, and with respect to the circumstances met by this person, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph H of Basic State Law, I hereby name the remaining members of the Government as follows:

1.    Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Missions,  Mr Alejandro Evuna  Owono Asangono.

2.    Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Presidential Security, Mr Antonio Mba Nguema.

3.    Minister of State to the Presidency of the Republic, Charged with Regional Integration,  Mr Baltasar Engonga Edjo.

4.    Minister of State Charged with National Security,  Mr Nicolás Obama Nchama.

5.    Minister of State Charged with Tourism,  Mr Tomás Mecheba Fernández Galilea.

6.    Minister General Secretary to the Presidency of the Government,  Mr Baltasar Esono Oworo Nfono.

7.    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation,  Mr. Agapito Mba Mokuy.

8.    Minister of Justice, Worship and Penitentiary Institutions,  Ms Evangelina Filomena Oyo Ebule.

9.    Minister for National Defence, Mr Vicente Eya Olomo.

10. Minister of Finance and Budgets,  Mr Miguel Engonga Obiang Eyang.

11. Minister of Education and Science, Mr Jesús Engonga Ndong.

12. Minster of Health and Welfare,  Mr Salomón Nguema Obono.

13. Minister for Public Works and Infrastructure, Mr Pedro Ondo Nguema.

14. Minister for Town Planning, Mr Reginaldo Asue Mangue.

15. Minister for Work, Employment Promotion and Social Security,  Mr Ángel Borico Moisés.

16. Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Food, Mr Víctor Grange Meile.

17. Minster for Fishing and Water Resources,  Mr Estanislao Don Malabo.

18. Minster for Forests and the Environment,  Mr Francisco Mba Olo Bahamonde.

19. Minister for Mines and Hydrocarbons,  Mr Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima.

20. Minister for Industry and Energy, Mr Eugenio Edu Ndong.

21. Minister for Information, Press and Radio, Mr Eugenio Nze Obiang

22. Minister for Social Affairs and Gender Equality,  Ms Consuelo Ondo Nzang.

23. Minister for Transport and the Post Office, Mr Celestino Bonifacio Bacale Obiang.

24. Minster for Telecommunications and New Technologies,  Mr Maximiliano Meko Aveme.

25. Minister for Public Administration and Administrative Reform, Mr Fausto Ndong Esono Eyang.

26. Minister for the Economy, Planning and Public Investment, Mr Eucario Bakale Angüe.

27. Minister for Youth and Sports,  Mr Andrés Jorge Mbomio Nsem Abua

28. Minister for Trade, Mr Antonio Pedro Olivera Boropu.

29. Minister for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Businesses, Mr Hermes Ela Mifumu.

30. Minister for Civil Aviation,  Mr Fausto Abeso Fuma.

31. Minister for Culture and Craft Production, Ms Guillermina Mekuy Mba Obono.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 23rd day of the month of June, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).


Francisco Pascual Obama Asue named Prime Minister

Presidential Decree23/06/2016  Presidential Decree number 58/2016, of 22nd June, naming his Excellency Mr Francisco Pascual Obama Asue as Prime Minister of the Government, Charged with Administrative Coordination.

With the conclusion of the process of the presidential elections, held on April 24th of this year, once sworn in and assuming the position of President of the Republic, in accordance with current legal provisions, and with the aim of complying with the constitutional mandate set out under article 37 paragraph 2 of Basic State Law, and with respect to the circumstances met by this person, and using the faculties granted to me under Article 41, subparagraph H of Basic State Law, I hereby name his Excellency Mr Francisco Pascual Obama Asue as Prime Minister of the Government, Charged with Administrative Coordination.

I thus order through this Decree, issued in Malabo on the 22nd day of the month of June, 2016.

For a better Guinea,

Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

President of the Republic

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).


The Programme A Fondo and the Red Cross with the most needy

On Saturday 18th June, the presenters of the television programme A Fondo met with representatives of the Equatorial Guinea Red Cross as volunteers, to raise funds and receive food for the most needy.

From early on Saturday, the presenters of A Fondo, together with other volunteers from the Equatorial Guinea Red Cross, stood outside the doors of some supermarkets in Malabo to collect money and food. The collection began at the Martínez Hermanos supermarket.

The General Secretary of the Red Cross and analyst from the A Fondo programme thanked all citizens for their collaboration. “It is a day we will never forget”, he said.

Equally the citizens praised as very positive this solidarity initiative.

The funds and food gathered will be distributed among the most needy, including the victims of fires and floods, among others.

Institutional Web Page General Directorate ((DPGWIGE)
Equatorial Guinea Press and Information Office

Notice: Reproduction of all or part of this article or the images that accompany it must always be done mentioning its source (Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office).


