UNAIDS to establish presence in Equatorial Guinea


UNAIDSThe Government of Equatorial Guinea, led by President Obiang, signed two cooperation agreements with the United Nations System, including one which establishes a presence of the Joint Programme of the United Nations on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in Equatorial Guinea.

At a recent meeting, President Obiang met with the Assistant Secretary General of the UN and Director General of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibe. The first agreement between the Government and UNAIDS establishes a presence of the latter in Equatorial Guinea, while the second agreement deals with the issuance of visas for UN officials, their family members and specialists from UN agencies. These partnerships will allow UNAIDS to help provide greater technical assistance to Equatoguinean health officials in order to achieve a stronger and more effective response to HIV/AIDS in the country.

The agreements were signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Agapito Mba Mokuy, the Director General of UNAIDS, Michel Sidibe, and the Resident Representative of the UN in Equatorial Guinea, Coumba Mar Gadio.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=7174&lang=en

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

An Interview with Miss Black Africa 2015, Susana Owono

Susana Owono3About Susana

Where are you from in Equatorial Guinea? Tell us a bit about yourself and your memories of Equatorial Guinea.

I was born in Bata where I lived until my family moved to Spain when I was only 2 years old. In 2006, we relocated to England which has since been my home away from home. My memory of Equatorial Guinea is quite vague as I was only 2 years old but I try my best to keep updated with our culture, traditions and current events. I do this through reading and research, inspired by the great tales my mother told us as we grew up away from our Motherland Equatorial Guinea.

Why did you choose to move to the United Kingdom?

Moving to the UK was a joint decision of the family. My personal reason was to further my education and also master the English language.

Susana’s time in the UK

What do you like most about living in the UK?

I see the UK as a land of opportunities. It gives you the tools to better yourself as well as the freedom to express yourself and your creativity. However, I do dream of the warmth and sunshine of the land of my birth. There is nowhere like home.

What are the biggest differences between Equatorial Guinea and the UK?

One main difference is the attitude of the people. Unlike Africa where people are friendly with close-knit communities, people in the UK keep to themselves and love their privacy. Some people have next-door neighbours they have never spoken to.

Susana Owono2What are you doing in the UK?

I am studying and will be going to university next year to pursue a degree in International Tourism Management. I am also a model, beauty queen and the reigning Miss Black Africa UK.

If you were to leave the UK, what would you miss the most about living here?

I would miss the friends I have made, the fast-paced British way of life, the food and the very efficient transport system.

What are the biggest benefits of working/living in the UK? And the downsides?

The first advantage will be the access to a great education. The cultural open-mindedness in most of the big cities and modern cosmopolitan areas is a plus. The downside is just the feeling of being away from your native land. Home is where the heart is.

How did you become a beauty queen?

I have always loved the idea of being a model or a beauty queen as far back as I can remember. I won my first beauty pageant in Spain when i was just 15 years old. I was looking for a beauty pageant which would give me an opportunity to give back to my country and I stumbled on Miss Black Africa which is the UK’s largest ethnic pageant. Each queen is mandated to formulate a charity project in her home country, so I was immediately drawn to it. She also gets the opportunity to promote culture and tourism to her country. The competition was rigorous and the process from auditions to the finals took about 8 months. I was really glad to have made it to the Grand Finale as over 2,000 girls applied. I shall be visiting Equatorial Guinea in March/April 2016.

Susana Owono1How did you learn English?

I learnt from school and friends as I surrounded myself mostly with English-speaking people.

On Equatorial Guinea

Do you plan to eventually return to Equatorial Guinea?

I certainly do! I plan to use my skills and knowledge to contribute to the further advancement of my country, Equatorial Guinea.

Advice for other Equatoguineans

Would you recommend other Equatoguineans to move to the UK?

That is a difficult question to answer as we all face different situations in life. Some people are better off leaving while some will benefit more from staying. The important thing is that whatever you do and wherever you may go, your ultimate goal should be to return and invest in Equatorial Guinea.

What advice would you give those who choose to move here?

If you decide to move to the UK, you should ensure that you make good use of your time. Get a good education and a career! Avoid unnecessary distractions that may lead you astray. Restrain from making acquaintances with the wrong sort of people but surround yourself with ambitious, positive-thinking individuals and groups.

Long Live the Beautiful Land of Equatorial Guinea!

Shakespeare’s Globe theatre company to perform in Equatorial Guinea

05 .11. 2015 The Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom is pleased to announce the first visit to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea of the world-known British theatre company Shakespeare’s Globe, which will perform William Shakespeare’s Hamlet at the French Cultural Centre in Malabo on 6 December 2015.

5 November 2015

William-Shakespeare-FotoThe Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom is pleased to announce the first visit to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea of the world-known British theatre company Shakespeare’s Globe, which will perform William Shakespeare’s Hamlet at the French Cultural Centre in Malabo on 6 December 2015.

As part of its world tour on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birth, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre will visit every single country on earth over two years, 2014 – 2016, in their so-called “Globe to Globe Hamlet Tour”.

Since April 2014, the group has visited 136 countries in Europe, the Americas, the Caribbean and Africa, covering nearly a third of the world with this play.

For more information contact the French Cultural Centre, or visit the Globe to Globe initiative’s website at http://globetoglobe.shakespearesglobe.com/.

Equatorial Guinea will participate in the 10th Biennial US-Africa Business Summit

Flag of Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea has announced its participation in Africa’s 10th biennial US-Africa Business Summit which will be hosted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia between 1-4 February, 2016.

The summit will bring together more than 1,000 representatives from government and business, as well as entrepreneurs and investors from across Africa, the United States, Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

The conference will feature plenary sessions, sector-focused panels, country-specific forums, peer-to-peer roundtables, site visits, exhibitions and networking opportunities. Two-hour “Doing Business in Africa” forums will be run by a limited number of host countries who will give companies from around the world the opportunity to gain insight on how to enter or expand in their local markets.

This event will provide opportunities to discuss what is needed to achieve strategic objectives, forge new partnerships and expand business opportunities.

For more information on the US-Africa Business Summit, please click here.

For more information on the “Doing Business” forum, please click here.

