Webinar on investment opportunities in Equatorial Guinea takes place in the United Kingdom


UKTIOn 29 July, UK Trade and Investment, in conjunction with the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom, hosted a webinar on investment opportunities for British businesses in Equatorial Guinea.

As Equatorial Guinea moves forward with its implementation of the Horizon 2020 National Development Plan, inward investment will be key to achieving the Plan’s objectives through promoting greater industrial diversification in the country. In particular, the opportunities for British companies in the areas of agriculture, fisheries, and professional and financial services. The webinar saw the participation of 71 businesses, ranging from tourism companies to British universities.

This webinar was hosted by Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea to the United Kingdom, H.E. Mrs Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme, and a representative from UKTI. To highlight the experience of British businesses currently operating in Equatorial Guinea, the webinar also included presentations from representatives of Ophir Energy and Luba Freeport.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

Image: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-trade-investment

Important collection of funds to help the countries affected by Ebola


EbolaConfObjective achieved: at the close of the International Conference of Africa’s Fight against Ebola, held in Malabo, the majority of the delegations present offered important economic aid for the assistance and recovery of the countries affected by this virus. The most important, that of the African Development Bank, which has announced 300 million dollars. Equatorial Guinea will make a contribution of three million dollars.

One of the determining aspects that was dealt with in the International Conference of Africa’s Fight against Ebola was the search for specific solutions and material support, both for the fight against the disease and for the recovery of the affected countries. During the meeting, the majority of the leaders of the continent have undertaken to make considerable donations to achieve it.

After the speeches by the chairman of the African Union (AU) and the Heat of State from Zimbabwe, H.E. Robert Mugabe and the President of Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, in the inaugural session, the representatives of the countries most affected by the Ebola virus spoke. They have provided specific data on the fight against this terrible epidemic and the form of confronting it.

The first of them was H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma, President of Sierra Leona, who described the virus as a powerful enemy, and has assured that his country is determined to fight against this challenge. He also explained some of the measures taken for it: “We are applying a social recovery program, which involves our having to reinforce our health system, and support those with most needs caused by the disease, that is, the children and the elderly who have lost their families.”

For his part, the representative of the President of the Republic of Guinea Conakry thanked the African and international solidarity that has helped his country to face his challenge: “Guinea Conakry has taken advantage of this crisis to correct some of our errors, and reinforce our healthcare system; something that is essential for our most vulnerable population.”

In the working day, those present also announced the contributions and provisions that each of them is going to make for the fight against the disease. The President of Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, announced the contribution of the Government of three million dollars to the three affected countries, which signifies a million for each one. The Equatoguinean President recalled the case of the Equatoguinean nun, Paciencia Melgar, who was abandoned in Liberia for having contracted the disease, but who fought against it and beat it: “Ebola is not exclusive of the affected countries, we are all at risk. For this reason, Africa has to rise to the challenge of contributing,” he affirmed.

And that is what actually happened, because the contributions did not go lacking. Among others, the President of Benin, H.E. Thomas Boni Yayi, announced the contribution of two million dollars and the representative of Nigeria, of four million five hundred thousand; in addition to other aid, such as the sending of volunteers to the affected countries, technical support and training.

Not only were African countries the ones giving their economic aid: the representative of the Popular Republic of China has highlighted the friendship that exists between the Asian giant and the African continent, and has assured an economic contribution of five million dollars, plus another two for the Fund of the Fight against Diseases of the AU. The Chinese delegation has taken advantage of this moment to explain its actions in the affected countries: a portable laboratory in Sierra Leona, construction of portable laboratories in Liberia and in Guinea Conakry, realization of more than five thousand tests to detect the disease, etc.

In turn, the representative of the United States has announced a donation of six million dollars to work in the reinforcement of the qualification of the affected countries, in the response to epidemiological situations.

The representative of the African Development Bank (AfDB) communicated that this institution had already destined sixty million dollars to the affected countries and one hundred fifty million dollars for the AU. In addition, it has committed another three hundred million dollars, which will be destined to an epidemiological surveillance network.

At the closing of the conferences, after the review of the work systematics and the announcements of donations and contributions that are going to be made by the different States and international institutions, the President of Zimbabwe and acting Chairman of the AU, H.E. Robert Mugabe, gave the closing speech, to indicate that in recent days they have worked hard in Malabo with the goal of helping the countries affected by Ebola: “We must work in reinforcing the measures of surveillance in order to avoid any epidemic situation.” He also referred to the need to accelerate the establishment of the systems, such as the early diagnosis of diseases.

Mugabe also requested the cancellation of the debts of the affected countries, with the aim of establishing the normality in the sectors of education and agriculture, and the reestablishment of the international activities, which were erased from the map by the disease.

-“We want to assure that each cent that we have collected is going to count in alleviating the suffering of our brothers and the disease. We must concentrate on the lessons learned in the fight against Ebola and any disease, and continue promoting our cooperation to maintain the drive in the fight against it.”
H.E. Robert Mugabe thanked the Government of Equatorial Guinea for holding the conference and the atmosphere that has helped the development of the work. He concluded by extending his thanks to those present, and wishing all the participants a safe return to their places of origin.

Original text from: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6772&lang=en

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Recanalization of the Rio Wele for the Djibloho Hydroelectric Power Station


Bridge over Río Wele
Bridge over Río Wele

On Saturday, 10 July, the recanalization of the Rio Wele took place—an essential phase in the construction project of the Djibloho Hydroelectric Power Station. The Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy, H.E. Mr Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, in his position as sector head and President of the Steering Committee for the Restructuring of SEGESA, highlighted the activity of “SEGESA Holding”. The institution, in its process of industrialisation as enacted by the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, has given a timely, decisive boost to the energy sector by diversifying its productive and commercial activities.

As we all know, electric power is fundamental—it is the engine of all industry, promoting rural development, as well as global, sustainable development. A strong energy sector is one of the key economic indicators that predicts the best development of a nation, and the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy could not project anything without a guarantee of safe, clean and permanent energy. Because of this, it is a priority of the Government to focus its strengths on bettering available renewable resources in the country, thus ensuring an Equatorial Guinea for today and tomorrow.

With an investment of $240m, the 120-MW Djibloho Hydroelectric Power Station thus forms the third-largest electric power station in terms of productive capacity in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, after Sendje and Turbogas. Since 2007, the Government has invested $2bn in electrification projects across the country. We are already reaching 600 MW nationally, thus seeing the culmination of the plan for 80% of national electrification. Investments that follow the guidelines of the PEGI 2020 will allow much more progress in the future, and will provide the country with clean energy, enhancing the competitiveness and growth of the industry.

The recanalization event ended satisfactorily with the remarks of the Prime Minister, H.E. Mr Vicente Ehate Tomi, who congratulated the Ministerial department for its relentless delivery which benefits the welfare of the people and the continued development of Equatorial Guinea. He also toasted the Chinese Government, not only for its support on this project, but also for its support in the materialisation of the Government’s vision of electrifying all the national territory, placing at our disposition compatible businesses like its national electric company SINOHYDRO. The Prime Minister also congratulated the staff of SEGESA who contributed to today’s success as well, marking an historic day with the recanalization of Rio Wele, an essential step in the construction project of the Djibloho Hydroelectric Power Station.

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Working meeting of the Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom


embajadora1The Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea in the UK, Mari-Cruz Evuna, met on Thursday afternoon, July 16, in the British Parliament with Lord McConnell, representing of the Labour Party. The aim of the meeting was to discuss issues related to political, economic and social sectors in Equatorial Guinea.

During the meeting, Lord McConnell informed the Ambassador of the political and economic events that promote social cohesion between the two countries, and both discussed the topics of interest to Britain and Equatorial Guinea, such as the fight against Boko Haram, the Equatorial Guinean role in achieving regional stability, prevention against Ebola, British investment in social sectors in our country, and the establishment of a British cultural center in Equatorial Guinea.

Jack McConnell praised the openness in discussions with Mari-Cruz Evuna, and has provided relevant information on the issue of the creation of this cultural center, through the mediation of the British Council.

Both partners were satisfied the fruitful meeting and are committed to extending and deepening the relations between the two countries, to achieve the issues agreed upon.

Text originally posted at: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6761&lang=en 

First Meeting of the National Commission on EITI Equatorial Guinea

First Meeting of the National Commission on EITI EGOn 14 July, the first meeting of the National Commission on EITI in Equatorial Guinea was held at the headquarters of the Department of Mining, Industry and Energy. It was chaired by the president of the commission, Minister Gabriel Mbega Obiang. The meeting was attended by his counterparts from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Public Investment and the Minister of Finance and Budgets, as well as by representatives of hydrocarbons companies and civil society members.

Various functional and administrative issues were discussed, including the review of the Draft Functional Regulation of the commission and the guidelines to be followed for implementing the EITI in Equatorial Guinea.

The parties agreed to review documentation and to send comments and suggestions to the National Coordination for submission and approval at the next meeting, proposed in the first half of September.

Read more here: www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6754

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Equatorial Guinea seeks World Bank’s support for improving its investment climate


MitogoMitogoThe Government of Equatorial Guinea has asked for the support of the World Bank as the country seeks to further improve and streamline the current investment climate. This proposal would see the facilitation of greater inward investment as well as an easing of the regulations for setting up a business in Equatorial Guinea.

Alfredo Mitogo Mitogo Ada, Minister of Commerce and Business Development, said that the country would like to cooperate with the World Bank on this programme as Equatorial Guinea moves forward with the implementation of the Horizon 2020 National Development Plan. The Plan seeks to diversify the economy, create jobs and generate greater wealth which would be further aided by the proposed “one-stop shop” process for companies looking to register in Equatorial Guinea.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6706 and here (in Spanish): http://eldia.es/agencias/8185969-GUINEA-ECUATORIAL-BANCO-MUNDIAL-Malabo-pide-apoyo-Banco-Mundial-mejorar-clima-inversion

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Equatorial Guinea to host international conference on Ebola in July 2015

09.06.2015 (updated 15.07.2015)

Sipopo Conference Centre, Malabo

From 20-21 July, Equatorial Guinea will host the first International Conference on Ebola at the Sipopo Conference Centre in Malabo. The slogan of the conference is “Africa helping Africans in the Ebola Recovery and Reconstruction”, demonstrating the spirit of the conference which seeks to fully harness African potential and values to complement the work of international development institutions against Ebola.

A number of heads of state and government from the African Union’s 54 member countries will be in attendance at the conference, alongside various ministers of Health, Finance and Foreign Affairs from across the continent. Participating international institutions include the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations, among others. Attendees will work together to create a global policy to combat Ebola and other endemic diseases in Africa, ensuring that national health system are well-equipped to take action against such outbreaks in the future.

More information on the event can be found on the African Union website: http://pages.au.int/ebola/events/international-conference-africa%E2%80%99s-fight-against-ebola-%E2%80%9Cafrica-helping-africans-ebola-re

For the full programme, please click here.

For participants in the conference, please click here for an informative guide on the logistics of the conference (in Spanish). This includes content on reserving hotels, organising transportation and obtaining visas (if applicable).

Image via guineaecuatorialpress.com

UKTI to host webinar on investment opportunities in Equatorial Guinea


UKTIOn 29 July, UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) will host an online webinar which will highlight investment opportunities for British businesses in Equatorial Guinea. As Equatorial Guinea moves forward with its implementation of the Horizon 2020 National Development Plan, inward investment will be key to achieving the Plan’s objectives through promoting greater industrial diversification in the country.

This webinar will be hosted by Ambassador of Equatorial Guinea to the United Kingdom, H.E. Mrs Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme, and Abe Marrache of UKTI South East. To highlight the experience of British businesses currently operating in Equatorial Guinea, the webinar will also include presentations from representatives of Ophir Energy and Lonrho.

This online event is open to the public and anyone can participate by registering here.

To view the UKTI’s event flyer, which includes more information on key fields of investment in Equatorial Guinea, click here.

Image: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/uk-trade-investment

