Equatorial Guinea declared free of the polio virus


Polio VaccinesOn 12 June, Equatorial Guinea was declared free of poliomyelitis following an assessment by experts from the United Nations agencies, including the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF), alongside health professionals from such institutions as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. After conducting interviews and other health checks, Equatorial Guinea was declared free of the wild poliovirus which causes poliomyelitis.

Last year, Equatorial Guinea saw a total of five confirmed cases of polio. This was followed by a number of awareness-raising and vaccination campaigns to ensure that the virus did not spread further throughout the country.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6675

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Equatorial Guinea hosting African security summit this week


CISAThis week, Equatorial Guinea played host to the 12th Conference of the Committee of Intelligence and Security for Africa (CISA). The committee was created 12 years ago on the initiative of President Obiang who wanted to build greater mechanisms for peace and security on the continent. Participants in the summit included various national and international authorities, diplomats and members of the CISA from countries across the continent.

Attendees discussed the security threat posed by terrorism and armed conflict in the region, particularly by Boko Haram. They discussed the enhancement of internal relations to address issues such as cross-border threats, money laundering, crime and climate change which threaten peace within the continent.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6645

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Embassy Statement on the Dissolution of the Judiciary

11 June 2015

Flag of Equatorial GuineaThe Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom would like to provide context for the recent dissolution of the country’s Judiciary.

It came to the attention of the Executive that there was sufficient evidence of financial misconduct that demanded action within the Judiciary. Given that the Judiciary is tasked with interpreting and applying the laws of the Government of Equatorial Guinea, it was dissolved to better guarantee and safeguard the body as a fair arbiter of justice for all Equatoguineans.

The powers to dissolve the Judiciary are granted to President Obiang Nguema Mbasogo under Equatorial Guinea’s Constitution—approved by the country’s citizens in a 2011 referendum. As Article 90 states: “Justice comes from the people, and is administered by the Head of State.” Being the Chief Magistrate of the nation, the President is mandated with guaranteeing the independence and effectiveness of the Judiciary to ensure its proper functioning. Eradicating corruption and reintroducing efficiency are well within this mandate.

The Government has already re-appointed all new members of the Judiciary, and is working towards restructuring this institution to ensure that no such actions are again necessary in the future.

The Government signs the United Nations customs system


SIDUNEAThe signing of the agreement between the Government of Equatorial Guinea and ASYCUDA (Automated Customs System), belonging to the United Nations System, took place on Wednesday, June 3, in the meeting room of the Ministry of Finance and Budgets. Various members of the Ministerial department and the Customs Directorate attended the ceremony.

The meeting room of the Ministry of Treasury and Budgets constituted the scenario of the signing of this agreement between the Government and the United Nations System, represented by Miguel Engonga Obiang and the Regional Coordinator of the ASYCUDA Program, Yannick Goujon, respectively. As the latter announced, the execution of his tasks will have a four-year duration.

The act began with the speech by Goujon, who informed those present on the function and importance of ASYCUDA in the ports and airports. It deals with a computerized method that is currently used by nearly 70% of the nations for the importing and exporting of merchandise. In the opinion of the Minister Engonga Obiang, it will serve to put right the customs activities and reduce the unlawful ones, such as contraband, undervaluing the merchandise, the corruption…

The signed agreement supposes the acquisition and implementation of a computer program for the General Customs Directorate, the General Tax Directorate and other services directly belonging to the Ministry of Finance and Budgets and to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). This agreement involves the financing of 31 million Euros by the Government of Equatorial Guinea, and is framed within the support project for public finances of the nation, one of the axes of the National Economic and Social Development Plan (NESDP), towards Horizon 2020.

Originally posted at: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6623&lang=en

Image via guineaecuatorialpress.com

Minister of Economy, Planning and Public Investments to visit London in July


MinisterPlanningEucario Bakale Angüe, Minister of Economy, Planning and Public Investments, is to visit London from 7-9 July to discuss investment opportunities in Equatorial Guinea, particularly highlighting the opportunities available within the framework of the country’s investment fund, Holdings Equatorial Guinea 2020.

During his time in London, the Minister will speak with representatives from the London Stock Exchange in an interview on the Equatoguinean Government’s drive to increase foreign investment and industrial diversification within the country. He will also meet with a number of leaders from multinational companies to discuss the significant and growing opportunities for British businesses in Equatorial Guinea.

Image via guineaecuatorialpress.com

