Equatoguinean women increasingly prominent in business and political leadership


Flag of Equatorial GuineaIn a recent interview, Mari Carmen Ecoro, Minister of Social Affairs and Gender Equality, and Maria Coloma Edjang Bengono, Mayor of Malabo, said that women in Equatorial Guinea are playing an ever-increasing role in the country’s business and political leadership. Minister Ecoro said that this is due to the country’s community spirit and President Obiang’s advocacy and commitment for gender equality.

She did acknowledge, however, that challenges remain: “The change must always be continuous, from generation to generation. I am glad that [Equatorial] Guinea can be distinguished as a leader in integrating women in political decision-making positions. There is still much to be done but we are making strides.”

Mayor Edjang Bengono highlighted that 2015 is the year of empowerment which has the objective of showing citizens that they are all worthy of equal treatment, regardless of gender. Equatorial Guinea continues to invest in education and training for all citizens in order to ensure equal opportunity in all areas of civic life.

Read more here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/women-in-equatorial-guinea-have-strong-leadership-role-in-government-and-business-say-top-women-political-leaders-300071768.html

Opening of a seminar on Rights of the Child


NinoThe Second Deputy Secretary General of the PDGE, Fortunato Ofa Mbo, acting as National Vice President of Rights of the Child and on behalf of the National President, the First Lady, Constancia Mangue de Obiang, opened on Tuesday, April 21, the first training seminar for district authorities for the rights of Equatorial Guinean children in an adjoining room of the Ngolo Conference Center in Bata.

After the opening of the seminar, open to authorities for all the districts nationwide, the Vice President addressed those present to refer to the four main work modules included in this training session: administrative matters; the Convention on Rights of the Child the role of district committees, and various computer skills, among other subjects.

Ofa Mbo also highlighted the work of the districts in the defense of the rights of children, and said that the National Parliament of Children’s Rights, newly created, will be launched this year.

At the end of his speech, the Second Deputy Secretary General of the PDGE thanked the participants for their attendance, and wished them success during the fortnight they will spend taking the course.

The opening was attended by the coordinator of the Committee on Special Protection Measures, Anatolio Nzang Nguema, among other teachers.

Text originally posted at guineaecuatorialpress.com.

Equatorial Guinea partners with countries around the world to improve regional maritime security


From 19-27 March, the Obangame Express maritime security exercise took place in the Gulf of Guinea. Representatives from Equatorial Guinea participated in this year’s exercise alongside partners from 22 world countries, including the United States and a number of European Union countries, as well as a number of regional communities and international organisations. The participating nations worked together to address concerns surrounding maritime security in the region.Government website_Port of Malabo

Maritime security is a significant issue for Equatorial Guinea given the vastness of its maritime resources. Effective security measures are key to promoting a protective environment for Equatorial Guinea’s main maritime industries—notably, oil and gas companies and fisheries. Domestically, Equatorial Guinea launched the Maritime Security Enhancement Programme several years ago in order to provide coastal surveillance and stability.

The Obangame Express is sponsored by the U.S. Africa Command with the objective of increasing security in the maritime sphere, improving regional cooperation and enabling the sharing of best practice among countries in the region.

Read more here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/equatorial-guinea-participates-in-obangame-express-300070265.html

Equatorial Guinea’s EITI National Commission participates in Board of Directors Meeting


EITICongoFrom 13-15 April, a delegation from Equatorial Guinea’s National EITI Committee attended the 29th Board of Directors Meeting of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. The Equatoguinean delegation was invited by the National Commission of the EITI-Congo and by the international office to attend this meeting as an observer country.

Participants from Equatorial Guinea included EITI coordinator Anacleto Olo Fernández, and two civil society representatives—Alfredo Okenve, Vice President of the Centre for Development Studies and Initiatives (CEID), and Bernardino Ndze Biyoa Asue, representative of NGO J20.

The session was led by the Rt Hon Clare Short, Chair of the EITI Board, and EITI Head of Secretariat Jonas Moberg. During the meeting, participants discussed the implementation of the EITI standards on a global level, as well as member countries’ compliance towards the new standards of the organisation. Participating in such discussions and learning from the experience of other EITI countries will help to inform Equatorial Guinea’s National EITI Committee as it continues in the application process to become a candidate country.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6453&lang=en

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Equatorial Guinea-Asia Economic Forum to take place next month


From 29-30 April, the first Equatorial Guinea-Asia Economic Forum will take place in Dalian, China. This will be the first ever forum in China dedicated to investment opportunities in Equatorial Guinea. Through this forum, the participants hope to further strengthen business ties between Equatorial Guinea and China.InvestinEG

The Summit, which will bring together government ministers from Equatorial Guinea with Chinese business leaders, will be inaugurated by President Obiang. 300 investors from China and the wider region are expected to attend this event. Potential investors will have the opportunity to meet with Equatoguinean ministers to discuss various areas of opportunity including agriculture, energy, mining, telecommunications and construction.

China has played a significant role in Equatorial Guinea’s development, and this event will surely reinforce these already-strong commercial links.

Read more here: http://www.sys-con.com/node/3324771

Event website: http://investineg.com/asiaeconomicforum/

Image via investineg.com

Minister of Social Affairs and Gender Equality describes government efforts to end violence against women


In a recent interview, Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Social Affairs and Gender Equality, Mari Carmen Ecoro, highlighted the Government’s efforts to end violence against women and promote gender equality, noting that these issues are a policy priority in the country. These efforts include the development of awareness programmes and the establishment of legal mechanisms to help end gender-based violence.Mari Carmen Ecoro

On the country’s progress in the area of women’s rights, Minister Ecoro stated: “When we look at women during the years of dictatorship, we saw that the woman did not have her own identity. But since 1979… the first call made by the President was to rebuild and provide our knowledge towards a better Guinea. He made an emphasis on women, for the woman to be trained and educated. When a woman is trained and educated, she can give more than when she is not.”

She further emphasised that women are graduating from high schools and universities in higher numbers, and are able to choose careers in fields which were traditionally dominated by men due to changes in the law allowing for greater participation by women in all areas of the labour force. Minister Ecoro said that Equatorial Guinea’s experience could serve as a model for other African countries, allowing them to “take the example that is leading our country in the sense that we must continue to support women, but putting an emphasis on their education and training from an early age”.

Read more here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/equatorial-guineas-minister-of-social-affairs-and-gender-equality-discusses-governments-efforts-to-combat-violence-against-women-and-promote-gender-equality-300064790.html

Image: Minister Ecoro at a November 2013 Mass to commemorate victims of violence against women, via guineaecuatorialpress.com.

New hydrocarbons discovery in Equatorial Guinea


On 8 April, the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy of Equatorial Guinea announced a new hydrocarbons discovery made by the Marathon Oil Corporation in Blocks A-12 and sub-area B. This was found through drilling tests undertaken in the Sodalita Oeste and Rodo wells in 2014.Flag of Equatorial Guinea

The Ministry of Mines considers these discoveries to be very important for the oil sector in Equatorial Guinea, thus helping to attenuate the recent decrease in crude production in the country. At the recent Conference of Diplomats in Malabo, Minister of Mines, Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, stated that the production and economic expectations of the country remain positive. This success demonstrates a continuing interest in the oil industry in Equatorial Guinea, despite a downturn in the global market.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6421

Equatorial Guinea supports call for decrease in global oil production


Equatorial Guinea has joined the call made by the member countries of the African Petroleum Producers Association (APPA) in a joint effort to decrease global oil production, thus bringing greater stability to the market.APPA_LOGO

On this, Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy, Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, stated: “We are reviewing our budget due to lower oil prices. We have supported these initiatives that allow us to study how to jointly stabilize prices in the future.” He further stressed the importance of diversification initiatives by oil-producing states in order to reduce dependence on oil. The Government of Equatorial Guinea is making great strides in this initiative through the Horizon 2020 National Development Plan.

The APPA has been active for 28 years, and is composed of 18 member countries spanning the continent.

Read more here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/equatorial-guinea-supports-appa-call-to-reduce-worldwide-oil-production-300063018.html

Image via APPA website.

Government enhances social investments to benefit Equatoguineans


Despite being in a difficult market due to the recent downturn in global oil prices, there is still significant interest in the Equatoguinean hydrocarbons industry. Equatorial Guinea continues to see new gas discoveries off the coast of Bioko, with a recent finding by Ophir Energy in Block R. The Government is also entering into new contracts with existing oil operators, such as ExxonMobil. Because of this success, Equatorial Guinea continues to heavily invest its oil revenues into the education and health sectors of the country.Ophir

The education and health sectors, in particular, are key to the country’s Horizon 2020 Development Plan. In health, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare launched the first trial for a new malaria vaccine alongside U.S. biotechnology firm, Sanaria, and Tanzania’s Ifakara Health Institute (IHI). This vaccine is considered “one of the most advanced prospects in the continuing efforts to end this disease”.

In education, the country has the highest literacy rate in Africa at nearly 100%. The Ministry of Education is currently working with educational consultancy StoneHill Education to launch the American University of Central Africa to expand the country’s higher education sector. The AUCA will open in Oyala in autumn of 2015.

For the original press release, please see here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/equatorial-guinea-continues-to-invest-in-education-and-health-sectors-despite-fluctuations-in-oil-prices-300058759.html

For more information on Ophir’s recent oil discovery in Bioko, please see here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6400

