Equatoguinean becomes 2014 Yale World Fellow


Equatoguinean Susana Edjang has been named a 2014 Yale World Fellow, joining 15 other World Fellows selected this year from nearly 4,000 applicants.SusanaEdjang1

Michael Cappello, professor of paediatrics at Yale School of Medicine, said: “As the previous groups, the Yale World Fellows of 2014 are dynamic, high-impact practitioners, committed to making a positive change in the world. Susana perfectly fits that mold and will provide an immense talent and vision to the group. Through the scholarship, Yale provides world leaders like Susana Edjang the valuable opportunity to move away from the intensity of their work and develop a strategic vision of their personal and professional paths, and its continuing impact on the world.”

Susana Edjang is an expert in international development policy and global health. Currently she works as Officer of Economic and Social Development for the Executive Office of the Secretary General of the United Nations Affairs. Susana was previously Coordinator H4+ in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The H4+ initiative is a collaboration between UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNFPA, UN Women, the World Health Organization, and the World Bank, to improve the health of women and children and to accelerate the progress of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).SusanaEdjang2

Read Susana’s full story here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5996

EITI Seminar takes place in Bata


Secretary of State for Mines, Industry and Energy, Santiago Mba Eneme Nsuga, closed a seminar on 10 December which focused on the topic of civil society participation in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). This third awareness seminar took place over two days in Bata, during which participants discussed civil society’s role in the EITI process. Director General of EITI in EG, Cesar Augusto Hinestrosa Gomez, noted that this is the last seminar of the cycle to take place. Members of civil society, authorities from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Local Governments, and international experts attended this meeting.EITI3

This same course took place from 11-12 December in Malabo.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=6014

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

President Obiang meets with Egyptian President al-Sisi in Cairo


On 10 December, President Obiang met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo to discuss areas of bilateral cooperation between Equatorial Guinea and Egypt, particularly in the area of economic cooperation. President al-Sisi applauded Equatorial Guinea’s economic development, and pointed out opportunities for investment between their two countries.Egypt

In light of the upcoming Africa Cup of Nations tournament, President Obiang requested that a number of Egyptian doctors be sent to Equatorial Guinea, and this was immediately approved by his Egyptian counterpart. Also discussed was the activity of Egyptian companies in the areas of housing, construction and road-building.

President al-Sisi invited President Obiang to participate in the opening of the new Suez Canal Project, and to the economic conference that Egypt will host in March 2015. President Obiang then extended an invitation to al-Sisi to visit Equatorial Guinea due to the “distinguished friendly relations between the two countries, and to give more support and political momentum to bilateral relations at all levels”.

Read more here: http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2014/12/10/egypt-send-doctors-equatorial-guinea/

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

The 2nd Afro-Hispanic Cultural Week gathers multiple audiences in London


From renowned architects to high school students, through to diplomatic missions in the British capital, the Second Afro-Hispanic Cultural Week (8-12 December), sponsored by the Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the UK, brought together a diverse audience.EGEvent1

This event was held by Patrimonio Guinea 2020 for the 2nd Afro-Hispanic Cultural Week, held at La Galleria Pall Mall London, from 8 to 12 December, under the title “Equatorial Guinea: Lived Architecture”. During the opening of the exhibition, the architect Ramón Estalella, 83, said: “It is an honor to see part of my work done 50 years ago in Equatorial Guinea now exhibited in London. It was always my dream to see those houses finally inhabited; I haven’t been back to the country since 1968.” Mr. Estalella is responsible for the construction projects that were conducted simultaneously on Bioko Island and the mainland region of Equatorial Guinea in the 1960s, along with other architects also featured in the exhibition.

EGEvent2The opening ceremony was marked by the presence of figures from diplomatic missions, the tourism sector, the London arts scene (such as the director of Gallery of African Art, Mrs. Bendu Cooper), representatives of the UK public and private sectors, university professors, and of course, the Equatorial Guinean community in London.

During the week, students from Saint Charles College also enjoyed a visit guided by a consultant of the Embassy. One of the teachers, Yolanda Ramirez, declared that “this historical journey through the country’s architecture is very educational for the kids, and for Spanish teachers, it helps us expand the vision we have of this language with the African connection”.

The exhibition spans three centuries of urban heritage and historic buildings, and it highlights projects throughout the different periods of occupation in different regions, focusing on historical sites. This exhibition also illustrates, in a very tangible way, the Afro-Hispanic cultural links which this event celebrates every year.EGEvent3

For more information:



María Begoña Andeme, Miss Supranational Africa


On Friday, December 5, in Krynica-Zdroj (Poland), the finals of this pageant were held, and in which the representative of Equatorial Guinea, María Begoña Andeme, was named Miss Supranational Africa.Miss_Supra

Finally there was a prize for the beautiful María Begoña Andeme, who won last October 12 the award of Miss Independence, and who has represented Equatorial Guinea at the Miss Supranational contest, whose final was held on December 5 in Poland.

The Indian representative, Asha Bhat, 22, was the winner of the contest this year, followed by the finalists Parapadsorn “Pia” Disdamrong, from Thailand; Maggaly Omrnellia Emmanuelle Nguema, from Gabon; Allyn Rose, from the USA, and Katarzyna Krzeszowska, from Poland.

But María Begoña did not leave empty-handed, since she obtained the title of Miss Supranational Africa 2014, which she was thrilled to receive with the applause of all her companions. So, for a year, the candidate of Equatorial Guinea will represent the beauty of Africa worldwide.

Moreover, another Equatorial Guinean, Agnes Genoveva Cheba Ade, is already in London to participate in the Miss World pageant, whose finals will be on December 14.

Equatorial Guinea’s Press and Information Office

Originally posted on guineaecuatorialpress.com.

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

II Afrohispanic Cultural Week in London—“Equatorial Guinea: Lived Architecture”


The 2nd Afro-Hispanic Week, devoted to Hispanic heritage in Africa, and organised by the Equatoguinean Embassy in the United Kingdom, will consist of the exhibition “Equatorial Guinea: Lived Architecture” organised by Patrimonio Guinea 2020. The exhibition will be open to the public at La Galleria Pall Mall in London, from 8-12 December.flag

Equatorial Guinea’s rich architectural heritage is one of the country’s fundamental values, and architectural restoration is one of the pillars of sustainable development. The country has been a place of transit and welcome for many peoples and cultures, and its heritage allows us to trace a journey through Equatorial Guinea’s history.

The exhibit spans three centuries of built heritage. The show also highlights urban planning and architecture projects throughout the different periods of occupation, and it closes with present-day constructions, interventions and restoration works intended to revitalise all historic sites.

batacathedralThree centuries summarise the outside influences among which is Spain, whose influence is evident in the country’s architectural landscape. Government buildings, both administrative and religious, along with buildings devoted to leisure, commerce, industry and services reflect the material legacy of the Spanish colonial, provincial and decolonisation eras. This sequence, spanning centuries, reflects the participation of architects, engineers and construction companies of international repute.

For further information visit embassyofequatorialguinea.co.uk and www.facebook.com/PatrimonioGuinea2020

Event flyer (click on the image to enlarge):


Equatorial Guinea AIDS partnership recognised by the White House


On 2 December, World AIDS Day, Equatorial Guinea was recognised by the White House for its sponsorship of American oarsman Victor Mooney. Mr Mooney rowed across the Atlantic to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS around the world. His voyage was sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, with added support from President Obiang. The White House event was attended by US Secretary of State John Kerry, National Security Advisor Susan Rice, PEPFAR Ambassador Deborah Birx MD, as well as other officials, doctors and NGOs. Mooney

Mr Mooney was given a proclamation from the White House which was presented to officials from the Equatoguinean Embassy in Washington, D.C. to commemorate the H.E. Mbasogo Obiang Nguema partnership in reaching an AIDS free generation.

In his remarks, Secretary of State John Kerry stated: “We’re not done yet. That’s the message that comes out of here from the President and from everyone in this Administration. With the commitment of every person in this room, we can achieve an AIDS-free generation, and we can silence the armies of pessimism and cynicism and the indifference who said it could never be done. We can and we will defeat this horrific disease, and I’ll tell you, that is a charge worth fighting to keep.”

Read more here: http://www.spyghana.com/white-house-recognized-equatorial-guinea-aids-partnership/

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

UK-based maritime supplier opens facility in Equatorial Guinea


Hutton’s Group, the UK’s leading supplier to the maritime industry, has opened a new facility in Equatorial Guinea, with its base in Luba Freeport. The only ship supplier based within Luba Freeport, Hutton’s offers tax-free provisions, consumables, logistics and stores handling in the region. It uses direct container shipping routes with Europe and North America, thus permitting the company’s Equatoguinean base to store essential products, tax free, for direct supply or transit elsewhere within the region.Ophir

Managing Director of Hutton’s Group, Alex Taylor, stated: “Luba Freeport is strategically located to serve Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria and Congo all within 12 to 24hrs steaming time. The tax-free option provides ship operators the opportunity for their vessels to collect essential stores and services at the best prices.”

Read more here: http://www.huttons-chandlers.com/huttons-opens-new-supply-base-in-equatorial-guinea/

