Equatorial Guinea to participate in London’s World Travel Market


For the first time, Equatorial Guinea will exhibit the country’s abundant tourism opportunities at the World Travel Market—the leading global event for the travel industry. The WTM is a widely-attended business-to-business event presenting a diverse range of destinations and industry sectors to both UK and international travel professionals. It is a unique opportunity for the whole global travel trade to meet, network, negotiate and conduct business. Equatorial Guinea will join the more than 50,000 global travel professionals at this event, and will benefit from participating alongside 5,000 international exhibitors.EnjoyEG

The Embassy of Equatorial Guinea in the United Kingdom has prepared an ample package to offer professionals, tourists and potential partners during the exhibition. Informative brochures, videos and gift bags have been designed and prepared by the Embassy to be offered to visitors at the ‘Enjoy Equatorial Guinea’ stand.

The event kicks off on Monday 3 November, a day dedicated exclusively to exhibitors. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are open to all travel industry professionals and feature a comprehensive event programme, offering expert insight and invaluable content. Tuesday’s highlight is the UNWTO Ministers’ Summit; Wednesday sees the WTM World Responsible Tourism Day; and Thursday features exclusive seminars and speed networking sessions.EnjoyEG2

Exhibitors are guaranteed a strong return on investment, greater brand exposure, and increased business contacts. WTM 2014 is Equatorial Guinea’s opportunity to gain a greater regional competitive advantage, and to stay abreast of the latest developments in the travel industry.

Equatorial Guinea tops UNESCO rankings for literacy rates in sub-Saharan Africa


Released earlier this year, UNESCO’s annual Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2013/4, entitled Teaching and Learning: Achieving quality for all, ranks Equatorial Guinea above all other countries in sub-Saharan Africa in terms of literacy rates. The data suggests that Equatorial Guinea has a 94% literacy rate, with that rate even higher among younger demographics (reaching 98% for those 15-24 years of age).Yeah8

It also discusses the positive developments in education that Equatorial Guinea has seen in recent years. The country is among those who will achieve a rate of 95% or more in gender equality in primary education by 2015, showing significant progress in this area. Further to this, it is estimated that Equatorial Guinea will see a preschool enrolment greater than or equal to 70% by 2015. UNESCO issued recommendations to increase the number of teaching staff, as well as to improve the training of current staff.

For the full text of the report, see here: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002256/225660e.pdf

London celebrates the 46th National Day of Equatorial Guinea with Her Majesty’s Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps


The Embassy of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in London celebrated the 46th Anniversary of its National Day, with the company of Her Majesty’s Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, alongside 150 guests including members of the Diplomatic Corps, UK private companies, members of the British Parliament and Equatoguinean citizens residing in London.EGDAY-7838

In her address, H.E. Ambassador Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme, provided an overview of the successes and political achievements of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea this past year. She paid tribute to the efforts of the Government for hosting a number of various international summits, the second ceremony of the UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea Prize, as well as the continuous implementation of institutional reforms, which have culminated in a greater participation of the population in internal affairs.

On the other hand she announced the upcoming celebration of a National Dialogue between the Government and opposition parties in Malabo this November. She also mentioned the ongoing negotiations she is holding with the British Government on the establishment of the UK Bridge—an English-language teaching centre in Equatorial Guinea—with endorsement from the UK. She also announced the celebration of the second edition of the Hispanic-Guinean Cultural Week and the participation, for the first time, of Equatorial Guinea at the World Tourism Market in London. Before toasting to the health of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Ambassador Evuna thanked the British Government for its support and cooperation in strengthening the bilateral relations between both nations.EGDAY-8217

On his part, Her Majesty’s Marshal welcomed the socio-economic policies effected for the development of Equatorial Guinea. He noted that his Government is pleased by the continuously-strengthening relationship between both states, as marked by recent meetings between Ambassador Evuna and two members of the UK Government (in the Foreign Affairs and Education ministries), during which they discussed salient issues of interest and cooperation. Her Majesty’s Marshal wished successes to the Government of Equatorial Guinea and toasted to the health and long life of His Excellency Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, Head of State and President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

President Obiang Signs General Amnesty Decree


As the Government continues its preparations for the November national dialogue, an event that has the objective of legalising all in-country and exiled political forces, President Obiang signed a General Amnesty decree affecting all persons convicted of political crimes in Equatorial Guinea. Through this, all exiled groups will now be able to participate in the national dialogue, as this decree “nullifies the criminal relevance of certain facts and cancels the sentences derived from them”, demonstrating the Government’s political will for a national reconciliation. This amnesty also applies to those who are currently going through the legal process for these types of offenses.Obiang1

The President noted that the national dialogue has been well-received in the country, but lamented the fact that incoherent commentary has been made by some people outside the country, creating doubt about the dialogue among the diaspora communities. Upon inviting all political forces back into Equatorial Guinea, President Obiang added that the Government will pay for the air travel of all political exiles in Spain to come to the country via Ceiba Intercontinental so that they can participate in the dialogue.

In his speech, the President stated: “The General Amnesty, which will make a guarantee to all the political actors in the Diaspora, means general forgiveness, turning a new leaf and forgetting the past.” This step represents a great step forward in the wider political engagement of the people of Equatorial Guinea.

Read more here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5819 and here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5815

Image: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Equatorial Guinea at the meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum


The executive board of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum held its 20th meeting in Doha, Qatar between October 13 and 15, with the participation of representatives from the Forum’s member states.GECF

Equatorial Guinea’s representative was Cesar Augusto Gómez Hinestrosa, accompanied by technicians and scientists of the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy. In the near future, the Forum’s Council of Ministers meeting will be held in Doha, with the presence of Equatoguinean Minister Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima.

The Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) is an international organisation that brings together the world’s leading oil-producing countries. Equatorial Guinea has been a member since 2010. In 2012, it held the rotating presidency of the Council of Ministers meeting, held in Malabo in November of the same year.

Further reading at: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5789

GECF: http://www.gecf.org/

Photo: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Ophir Energy successfully drills gas out of Block R


Recently discovered gas located in Block R off the shores of Equatorial Guinea has flowed on a drill stem test (DST). The test was carried out at the Fortuna-2 well to assess the deliverability of the Fortuna gas field.Ophir

The estimated flow rate of the field will be of c.180 SCFD (standard cubic feet per day) through a 5” drill pipe, after the DST achieved a flow rate of 60 MMscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) with a minimal drawdown.

The next milestones for the Block R FLNG development will be the agreement of gas fiscal terms and the selection of the consortium to build, own, and operate the project.

Mean recoverable resources for the Fortuna field complex are estimated at over 1.3 TCF (trillion cubic feet).  The first gas is expected to flow in 2019 after the Fiscal Investment Decision in 2016, and the necessary negotiations are expected to take place by the end of this year.

(Image: Ophir Energy)

Further reading at: http://www.oilandgastechnology.net/upstream-news/ophir-heads-towards-flng-development-offshore-equatorial-guinea


Equatorial Guinea celebrates its National Day of Independence


On 12 October, Equatorial Guinea celebrated its 46th anniversary of independence with the main celebration occurring in the city of Ebebiyin. President Obiang and First Lady Constancia Mangue presided over the festivities, which included a parade, speeches and the President’s announcement of the Government’s allocation of 91 billion CFA francs (£110 million) to the city of Ebebiyin for various public works. This donation will go towards a number of projects, including the construction of a ring road in the city, a Provincial Government headquarters, several schools, a new market and a new hospital centre.Nat Day

During his speech, President Obiang also discussed next month’s upcoming national dialogue, stating that the Government will be flexible at this roundtable, and that those who have been persecuted will be pardoned and thus able to return to Equatorial Guinea. He asked that hatred and misunderstanding be put aside by all in order to make the dialogue process appealing to the country’s youths, administration and businesses.

On the occasion of the National Day, the President also received a number of congratulatory messages from prominent authorities around the world including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, His Highness the Emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of Kuwait, and the Equatoguinean ambassadors in London, Madrid and Paris, among many others.

More information here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5777 here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5776 and here: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5770

Photo source: guineaecuatorialpress.com

Freenom announces free national domain for Equatorial Guinea


The Registry Operator Freenom launched a new top-level domain for Equatorial Guinea of .gq. The Dutch company will use its innovative business model to give away these domains for free to website operators that show interest, beginning on 1 December. Freenom partnered with telecommunications companies GETESA and Orange to launch this domain in various stages.Flag of Equatorial Guinea

CEO of Freenom, Joost Zuurbier stated: “The demand for free domains is enormous because people…may not have a credit card to buy domains, but they do have a profound need to communicate and build their presence online. Free domains are an important catalyst that directly enable local content creation and internet entrepreneurship”.

Thus, having this domain will help businesses in Equatorial Guinea to put a “digital flag” on their operations, better demonstrating to consumers where the company is based. This will certainly help to build Equatorial Guinea’s overall on-line presence.

Read more here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/freenom-relaunches-the-national-top-level-domain-of-equatorial-guinea-277759191.html

Ambassador Evuna spoke at the NOCs and Governments Summit


H.E. Ambassador Evuna spoke on 30 September at the NOCs (National Oil Companies) & Governments Annual Summit in London on behalf of César Augusto Hinestrosa Gómez, Director General of Local Content at the Ministry of Energy & Mines, Equatorial Guinea.  The Summit brings together government and industry leaders from over 25 countries.  The panel, with representatives from Ghana, Kenya and energy company Total, spoke on the responsibilities of governance and the importance and challenges with measurement of Local Content.EG1

Ambassador Evuna outlined the local content policies of her government and the social development programme including the establishment of the National Content General Directorate (NGCD), whose primary objective is the integration, promotion and development of SMEs and private, local entrepreneurs in Equatorial Guinea.

She outlined the way the National Fund for the Implementation of Social Projects works with contributions from companies and provides a good example of how governments, private sector and civil society can work together by sharing responsibility. This Fund addresses directly the need for governance to be a shared responsibility and to increase transparency and constructive dialogue between all parties; one of the key tenets of her Government’s renewed bid to join EITI as a candidate nation.

The finalisation of a National Commission to lead the implementation process is imminent.  The multi-stakeholder group; drawn from Government, private companies, parliament and civil society; will embark on preparing and adopting the final EITI application process, working towards becoming a candidate country by 2015 and an implementing nation by 2017.  The Ambassador stressed the importance of good governance and that the revenues from her country’s natural resources are transparently managed for the benefit of the citizens.

For further information on the summit:  www.nocs-governments.com

Summit Presentation Download

