UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize winners announced


Three winners of the annual UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences were announced on 26 August. The winners are: Hossein Baharvand for his work in stem cell research, Andre Bationo for his research on soil fertility, and the Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt (IMT) from the Universidad Cayetano Heredia of Peru for its work in combating diseases like tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS. UNESCO

This annual prize is funded by the Obiang Nguema Mbasogo Foundation for the Preservation of Life and is managed by UNESCO. The prize rewards individuals, institutions or NGOs for their contributions to life sciences which have led to improvements in the quality of human life. This year’s awards ceremony will take place in Malabo in September.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5575

Equatorial Guinea sees significant gains in public health


In recent years, Equatorial Guinea has seen massive improvements in public health. Among the evidence cited by the government, infant mortality rate was at 111 per 1000 in 1994, and decreased to 65 per 1000 in 2011. Women receiving prenatal care from skilled personnel has increased from 61% in 2000 to 91.3% in 2014. These are due largely to the government’s significant investment in the country’s health sector in order to meet the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, and the objectives of Equatorial Guinea’s Horizon 2020 Development Plan.map

These announcements were made by Health Secretary of State Maria del Carmen Andeme Ela at the Equatorial Guinea Economic Forum held on 8 August in Washington, D.C.

Read more: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101937391

Equatorial Guinea soars in annual energy index


Alliant Insurance Services has recently released its annual Frontier Energy Risk Index which gives oil and gas companies around the world a look into the levels of political risk present in 14 emerging economies. These countries were chosen by Alliant for their potential as “frontier oil and gas producing countries”.flag

Out of the assessed countries, Equatorial Guinea has seen the second highest level of improvement, falling only behind Ecuador. Equatorial Guinea’s score has increased by 17% in the past year alone, driven largely by favourable changes in the regulatory framework dictating exploration and production within the oil and gas industry.

Read the full index here: http://www.alliant.com/Risk-Solutions/Documents/Alliant%20Frontier%20Energy%20Risk%20Index.pdf

Equatorial Guinea celebrates the 32nd Anniversary of its Constitution


On 15 August, in celebration of the 32nd Anniversary of the Constitution of Equatorial Guinea, the Parliament organised a number of activities. Among these activities was a Thanksgiving mass held at the Cathedral of Bata. This event was attended by a number of government officials, including senators and deputies of the Parliament, as well as provincial, district and local authorities, among other leaders.

batacathedralJuan Matogo Oyana, Bishop of Bata, finished his sermon by wishing for beneficial outcomes in current government negotiations, as well as for enhanced relations with countries around the world.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5542

Equatorial Guinea working to stem the spread of Ebola


As a result of the recent Ebola outbreak across multiple countries in West Africa, Equatorial Guinea has begun to undertake a number of measures aimed at preventing the virus from spreading into the country’s borders.Flag of Equatorial Guinea

Examples of such preventative measures include: acquisition of special ambulances and thermographic cameras necessary for the treatment of affected patients, health personnel training and a nationwide awareness campaign. Further to these, there will be a temporary suspension of visa issuances for people from affected countries in West Africa, and the cancellation of Ceiba Intercontinental Airlines flights to and from these areas. These steps will help to guarantee the greatest possible health outcomes for the Equatoguinean people.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5533

Equatorial Guinea’s EITI committee holds meetings in Washington


To coincide with the US-Africa Summit and Equatorial Guinea Economic Forum, both held in Washington last week, representatives from the Equatorial Guinean Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) committee attended several meetings in the region. The chair of the committee, Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, met with the law firm Greenberg-Traurig LLP to discuss legal and technical assistance during the EITI process.The EITI

The Equatorial Guinean EITI committee also met with the Multi-Participation Group of the US EITI to discuss their experiences of the Initiative and hear their advice on the EITI as an organisation. Meetings were also held with the industrial transparency groups Publish What You Pay and the Natural Resource Governance Institute to learn more about the work of these groups in the EITI.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5520

Equatorial Guinea and US sign Open Skies air transport agreement


On Thursday 7 August, Equatorial Guinea’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Agapito Mba Mokuy and US Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs Assistant Secretary Charles Rivkin signed an Open Skies air services agreement. The agreement will formalise the bilateral aviation relationship between the two countries, allowing unrestricted air services by airlines from both countries. This will eliminate restrictions on how often carriers can fly, the kind of aircraft they use and the prices they charge.US Flag

The signing of the agreement is an important step in strengthening and expanding trade and tourism links between Equatorial Guinea and the US, benefitting businesses and travellers in both countries by encouraging more competitive pricing from airlines.

Read more: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2014/230392.htm

H.E. Ambassador Evuna visits Equatorial Guinean students in Dublin


On Tuesday 5 August, Mari-Cruz Evuna, Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to the UK, visited Equatorial Guinean students at the Trinity College International Study Centre in Dublin, Ireland. She met with students to join in celebrations of the national holiday of Equatorial Guinea of 3 August. Her Excellency also heard about their experiences studying in the city and made a donation to the Centre on behalf of the Embassy.Her Excellency with the Equatorial Guinean students

Her Excellency met with 26 Equatorial Guinean students, celebrating over a lunch in the city. Speaking to the Ambassador over lunch, the students spoke of how they have embraced Irish culture and wish to obtain their degrees and return to their home country to aid the economic development of the region.

The International Study Centre – part of Trinity College, University of Dublin – offers intensive English courses for international students to qualify for university. The Embassy is working closely with the Equatorial Guinean national energy company GEPetrol to ensure that the students’ needs are met through scholarships. To aid this, the Embassy has donated 14,000 euros to the students.The donation to the Centre

Presidential couple meet President Obama and First Lady


On Tuesday 5 August, US President Barack Obama hosted a dinner at the White House for delegates of the US-Africa Summit, which concluded in Washington yesterday. President Obiang and First Lady Constancia Mangue de Obiang were among the guests, meeting personally with President Obama, the First Lady Michelle Obama and their two daughters Sasha and Malia.President Obama, President Obiang and the First Ladies

Leaders from across Africa attended the dinner, during which President Obama described the historic moment as he became the first African-American president to host an African summit of this size. In his speech to the White House guests, the US President said: “I stand before you as the President of the United States, as an American and as a son of an African man,” noting his deep personal connection to the African continent through his family heritage.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5501

Human rights conference held in Equatorial Guinea


On Wednesday 30 July, the Third Deputy Prime Minister for Human Rights, Alfonso Nsue Mokuy, along with the Director General for Human Rights, Manuel Mba Mchama, met with representatives from NGOs operating in Equatorial Guinea to discuss their activities in relation to the progress of human rights in the country.Flag of Equatorial Guinea

The meeting was the final event in a series of workshops on human rights, held from 28 – 30 July. Organised by the Department of Human Rights, the US Embassy and the Centre for Studies and Initiatives for the Development of Equatorial Guinea, the two-day conference discussed the importance of fair judicial proceedings, cooperation with NGOs and the strengthening of human rights in Equatorial Guinea.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=5489

