Equatorial Guinea becomes a Member State of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries


Equatorial Guinea has officially become a Member State of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) following the signing of the Dili Declaration at the 10th Heads of State CPLP Summit in Dilli, East-Timor on Wednesday 23 July. Equatorial Guinea is the ninth Member State of the CPLP, which was formed in 1996 to encourage intergovernmental friendship and cooperation amongst nations where Portuguese is an official language.The CPLP

Portuguese is recognised as the third official language of Equatorial Guinea, following Spanish and French.  The country’s membership of the CPLP is the result of a long process, throughout which the government of Equatorial Guinea has fulfilled all specific requirements in regards to language.

This 10th summit of the CPLP, under the theme ‘The CPLP and Globalization’, will also include the reincorporation of Guinea Bissau after the limitation of their status as a member since 2012, and the transition of the presidency of the institution from President of Mozambique, Armando Guebuza to the President of East Timor, Matan Ruak for the next two years.

President Obiang to attend US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington


President Obiang has confirmed that he will be attending the inaugural US-Africa Leaders Summit, to be held in Washington D.C. from 4th – 6th August. US President Barack Obama, along with over 50 leaders from across Africa, will work together under the theme ‘Investing in the Next Generation.’US Africa Leaders Summit 2014

The Summit will feature discussions on stimulating growth in Africa, exploring new economic opportunities and building a positive environment for the next generation of Africans.

The event is being held to demonstrate America’s commitment to African security, democratic development and social progress. President Obiang and other African leaders at the Summit will be attending with a view to developing stronger economic and political ties between the US and Africa.

Read more: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/president-obiang-to-attend-us-africa-leaders-summit-268275012.html


Equatorial Guinea among best African countries for public-private investment


On Monday 21 July, The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD) launched its latest report into public-private investment in Africa. The report highlights African states with the best development in public-private sector investments from 2000 to 2011. Equatorial Guinea is named fourth in the rankings with an increment capital output ratio of 3.2, above that of Tanzania, Burundi and Kenya.UNCTAD

Increment capital assesses the marginal amount of investment capital needed to generate the next unit of production. The rankings suggest a high level of economic growth over the past decade, indicating that Equatorial Guinea is among the top countries in Africa for inward investment.

According to Andrew Mold, the UN Economic Commissioner for Africa: “The countries where capital had high productivity in the period 2000-2011 were Rwanda, Angola, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the Sudan.”

Read more:


Update on Equatorial Guinea’s fight against polio


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released an update on the polio outbreak in Equatorial Guinea.  Equatorial Guinea’s Ministry of Healthy is continuing to work with international health agencies to respond to the polio outbreak, with new vaccination campaigns planned for later this month and again in August. The July vaccination round will ensure that the whole population receives access to the vaccine, with the second round in August specifically targeting children under 15.WHO

The results of genetic sequencing suggest that the 5 poliovirus type 1 cases that have appeared in the country so far this year are linked to an ongoing outbreak in Cameroon.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health held a seminar on emergency response planning, intended to coach Ministry staff on the government’s plans for emergency healthcare should an epidemic or natural disaster take place. The seminar is part of a series of government measures in response to a WHO recommendation in 2010 that Sub-Saharan African countries be prepared for potential emergency situations.

Read more: http://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/news/2014/07/who-issues-update-on-polio-in-equatorial-guinea.aspx


UNESCO visits Malabo ahead of Life Sciences Awards


A delegation from the international body UNESCO is visiting Malabo this week to prepare for the second UNESCO-Equatorial Guinea International Award for Research in Life Sciences. Mariano Ebang Anguesomo, Permanent Delegate of Equatorial Guinea to UNESCO, has confirmed that the Award will be presented to the winner in Malabo on 15 September.UNESCO

The best scientific and research papers from around the world will be selected by an international panel later this month. The Award is entirely funded by the government of Equatorial Guinea, with the aim of encouraging the international scientific community to seek solutions to devastating diseases that disproportionately affect developing countries. Diseases of particular interest are AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

Read more: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/unesco-delegation-visits-equatorial-guinea-to-prepare-presentation-of-life-sciences-awards-266422581.html

