President Obiang meets with FAO Director-General


During his visit to Italy to attend the canonisation ceremony of John XIII and John Paul II last weekend, President Obiang met with the Director-General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Jose Graziano da Silva. During the meeting, discussion focussed on the Trust Fund for African Solidarity, to which Equatorial Guinea donated $30 million when the fund was launched in June 2013.FAO

Director-General da Silva provided an update on the Fund, which is being used to provide aid projects in countries including the Central African Republic, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

In an interview with the media after their meeting, President Obiang and Director-General da Silva said that they look forward to discussing the Fund further at this year’s African Union Summit, which will be held in Malabo in June.

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Equatorial Guinean fencing champion qualifies for British Youth Championship Finals 2014


An 18 year-old fencing athlete from Equatorial Guinea, Alejandra Andeme Evuna, member of the Escrime Academy in London, has qualified for the British Youth Championship Finals 2014, which will be held at the EIS Sheffield on 3rd-5th May.Alejandra Andeme Evuna,

Her qualification was confirmed after winning the bronze medal at the Brixton LJPS, an important competition for fencers seeking to qualify in 2015. Qualification for the BYC Finals is via regional qualifying events. Fencers are ranked by category (cadet, junior and senior), weapon (foil, epee or sabre) and gender. Alejandra is a junior epee fencer.

Rankings are calculated from ranking points earned in competitions attended by the fencers. The amount of points earned depends on the strength of the competition as well as how well the fencer did.

Equatorial Guinea partners with WHO and UNICEF to combat polio


The government of Equatorial Guinea has launched a national health campaign to combat the spread of polio, which continues to threaten communities across sub-Saharan Africa. All children under 15 will be vaccinated under the plans, which have been drawn up in partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNICEF and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), all of whom are working closely with the government to protect the people of Equatorial Guinea from the disease.UNICEF

The National Polio Immunisation Campaign was officially launched by the President and First Lady on Wednesday 23 April, with over 300,000 children expected to be vaccinated in the first round of immunisations. Second and third rounds will be launched in May.

UNICEF’s representative in Equatorial Guinea, Dr Brandão Có, said that the organisation is collaborating with the Ministry of Health to ensure communities are educated about the disease and how it can be prevented. “Stopping the transmission of polio in Equatorial Guinea is a key priority in order to ensure children, families and communities are protected against this terrible and crippling disease that also has enormous social costs”, he said.

Speaking at the ceremony to mark the launch of the National Polio Immunisation Campaign, President Obiang stressed the importance of the polio vaccine for the nation’s health and wellbeing, encouraging all parents to ensure that their children are vaccinated. Also speaking at the event, Resident Coordinator of UN Agencies Leo Heileman praised Equatorial Guinea’s commitment to eradicating polio in the region.

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UNESCO Deputy Director General meets with President Obiang


Lalla Aicha Ben Barka, Deputy Director General for UNESCO Africa, met with President Obiang at the Bata Palace on Monday, 21 April, to discuss the continued cooperation between the organisation and Equatorial Guinea.UNESCO

The meeting was also attended by Agapito Mba Mokuy, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Deputy Director General Barka and President Obiang discussed the positive relationship between UNESCO and Equatorial Guinea, with the Deputy Director telling the media after the meeting that the relationship remains “excellent and fruitful”.  She added that “UNESCO wants to accompany Equatorial Guinea in its development process.”

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Equatorial Guinean Senate concludes its visit to the USA


A delegation from the Equatorial Guinean Senate, led by the Senate President, Teresa Efua Asangono, has concluded its visit to the USA.  The delegation visited the US at the invitation of the Upper House of the State of New York.US Flag

New York Senator, Bill Perkins, personally invited the Senate to New York State following his visit to Equatorial Guinea in December 2013.  During the visit, the delegation and Senator Perkins discussed the organisation of a conference between African leaders and African-American officials. The conference will aim to boost economic and cultural cooperation between the US and Africa.

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President Obiang with John Barnett Hess, CEO of oil company Hess Corporation

President Obiang has met this week with John Barnett Hess, CEO of oil company Hess Corporation, which runs extensive operations and production plants in Equatorial Guinea. Gregory P. Hill, President and Chief of Hess’ Operations and Production and Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, Minister of Mines, Industry and Energy also attended the meeting. John Barnett Hess and Gregory P. Hill spoke to President Obiang and Minister Mbega Obiang Lima about Hess Corporation’s investment in the country’s energy sector and its commitment to education and science in Equatorial Guinea. Hess oversees several corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes in the country, including the National Programme for the Educational Development of Equatorial Guinea (PRODEGE) which supports primary and secondary school pupils in their learning. During the meeting, the CEO congratulated President Obiang on Equatorial Guinea’s continued socio-economic development and assured the Head of State of Hess Corporation’s continued investment in the country in the years to come. Speaking to the press after the meeting, Minister Mbega Obiang Lima referred to Hess as an exemplary company that has been working closely with the government in several training and development initiatives. He also expressed the government’s commitment to working closely with companies in Equatorial Guinea to ensure continous and secure investment and development.

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President Obiang attends the EU-Africa Summit in Brussels

President Obiang is in Brussels this week for the EU-Africa Summit, which began yesterday, bringing together leaders from across government, industry and politics. The President has already attended several bilateral meetings with business representatives from Belgium, Luxmbourg and other European states.


He also met with Antonio Tajani, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship. The meeting served to discuss the promotion of foreign investment in Equatorial Guinea and broader African-European industrial relations.

Also on Tuesday, President Obiang gave a lecture at the Cervantes Institute, speaking on the role of the Spanish language in Africa. During his speech, the Head of State emphasised Equatorial Guinea’s commitment to the preservation of the Spanish language within the international community.

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