Women’s national football team on way to World Cup after defeating Ivory Coast


The national women’s football team of Equatorial Guinea made history this weekend after defeating Ivory Coast by 4 – 0. The victory means that the team will now head to the qualifying rounds of the FIFA Sub-20 World Cup finals, which will take place in Canada next year. Sub-20 Women's Football Team

During the game, the winning goals were scored by star players Emiliana, Sabina, Susan and Cristel. Adding to the friendly tension of the match was the fact that Ivorian coach Clementine Toure is also the former coach of the Equatoguinean team, having coached the women’s team from 2006 until her departure in 2009. However, the women’s team of Equatorial Guinea, known as Dames le Nzalang, were undeterred and are now looking forward to continuing their success in next year’s finals.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4394

President Obiang confirms bilateral agreements with Pope Francis


President Obiang met with Pope Francis on Friday in front of various media representatives, confirming the renewed bilateral relations between Equatorial Guinea and Vatican State. Vatican

Meeting in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace, the Pope and the president discussed the role of the Church in Equatorial Guinea. President Obiang expressed his pride at meeting his now third pope. After the meeting, the presidential party exchanged gifts with their hosts, including several tribal sculptures from Equatorial Guinea and an image of Our Lady of Bisila, one of the most popular devotional figures in the country. In return, Pope Francis gave the president a papal medallion and an etching of St Peter’s Square.

During their farewells, the First Lady asked the Pope to pray for her country, and President Obiang invited Pope Francis to visit Equatorial Guinea in the future.

Video: President Obiang meets Pope Francis

Read more: http://www.romereports.com/palio/pope-meets-with-equatorial-guinea-president-as-bilateral-agreement-goes-into-effect-english-11438.html#.Um5Z1_mGp8V

Success of the First International Pro-Am Golf Tournament

The first Pro-Am that took place in Equatorial Guinea can be considered a success, and has had professional players from Africa and Europe. The formula of a professional playing alongside three amateurs has allowed all participants to enjoy the great course of the Sofitel Sipopo Le Golf, and learn from the play and instructions of the professionals. Regarding the results, we can highlight the victory among the professionals of Odoh Oche Andrew, of Nigeria, followed by Dufresne Valeri, of France, Tarik Benslimane, of Morocco, and Willy Gift, also from Nigeria. Among the teams, Somagec was the winner, led by Tarik Benslimane and composed of the amateurs Adrian Constantinescu, Camelia Constantinescu and David Magallanes. Then the following teams were Mobil, 3e Actuaries, CCEI Bank, Cronos and ZTE.

Several Equatorial Guinean players participated in the tournament and two of them, Carmelo Martin Modu and Juan Epitie -former football player of the Nzalang- triumphed with the ZTE team.

Further reading: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4368

EU delegation meets with government ministers


A delegation from the EU visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in Malabo this week, where they met with several government ministers to discuss the progress of governance in Equatorial

The delegation and ministers discussed the establishment of new institutions in the country following the elections in May this year, as well as preparations for a 2014 report on Equatorial Guinea as part of the Universal Periodic Review process. Conditions of entry and residence for EU citizens in Equatorial Guinea and possible EU support for the 2016 presidential elections were also talked over during the meeting.

The delegation was led by the EU Community Ambassador, Cristina Martins Barreira, and the Ambassadors of France, Germany and Spain in Equatorial Guinea. During meetings, the delegation met with ministers from the Departments of Internal Affairs, Social Affairs and Gender Equality, Finance and Budgets, Transport, Technology and Telecommunications, Regional Integration, Civil Aviation and Foreign Affairs.

EU Community Ambassador Cristina Martins Barreira concluded the discussions by congratulating the people of Equatorial Guinea on the country’s recent 45th anniversary of independence, as well as its progress and development in governance issues.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4344

EU Flag

Equatorial Guinea celebrates 45th National Independence Day


On Saturday, 12 October, Equatorial Guinea celebrated the 45th anniversary of its independence, marked by a parade of thousands through the streets of Malabo. Congratulatory messages were sent from around the world, with US Secretary of State John Kerry sending his best wishes to the country. His message to the President reiterated the cooperation between Equatorial Guinea and the US on maritime security, health and education. Secretary Kerry said: “We look forward to expanding our relationship, working in partnership with Equatorial Guinea to strengthen democratic institutions, promote good governance and human rights, and create economic opportunities for all Equatoguineans”Flag of Equatorial Guinea

Military personnel, students, political party members, teachers, religious congregations and workers marched in the Independence Day Parade in the capital city, which featured parachute jumps and samba dancing, with over 1,000 people taking part in the parade.

The celebrations were attended by several government representatives, including President Obiang and the First Lady, the Prime Minister, the three Deputy Prime Ministers and the two Vice Presidents. Representatives of several African countries also attended the parade, including the Presidents of the Central African Republic, Chad, Sao Tome and Principe, Mali, Congo Brazzaville, Benin and Gabon.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4336

Read more: http://www.state.gov/secretary/remarks/2013/10/215330.htm

Ambassador addresses the Westminster Africa Business Group


Yesterday, Her Excellency Mari-Cruz Evuna Andeme addressed members of the Westminster Africa Business Group during a lunch meeting. The event took place in one of the dining rooms at the House of Commons and was attended by 32 companies as well as MPs, other UK officials and academics.Westminster_Africa_Business_Group_4

The ambassador observed that the meeting was very timely given the unprecedented growth in Equatorial Guinea and outlined some of the key opportunities for investment including the tourism industry, shipping and infrastructure, and agriculture. She reflected the government’s desire to attract international businesses of all sizes and described the incentives available for those looking to do business in the region. The occasion also provided an opportunity for members of the Group to ask questions about doing business in Equatorial Guinea.

The Westminster Africa Business Group was originally formed in 1947 and its membership includes both companies and individuals with interests in Africa, commercial, political or otherwise. It aims to bring together business and political activities in Africa and develop relations between the UK and the African continent. The Group also organises trade visits to Africa and the possibility of a trip to Equatorial Guinea was also discussed, which could take place in early 2014.

Food company motivates farmers to increase production


Last week, the President of the Bioko Chamber of Commerce, Gregoria Boho Camo, attended a presentation by the food production company Cunovesa Guinea Ecuatorial on motivating farmers to produce cocoa and other crops on fertile land.Cocoa beans

It is hoped that Equatorial Guinea will begin producing chocolate within six months. The initiative will contribute to the industrialisation of the country, a goal of the Horizon 2020 development programme.

The director of Cunovesa Guinea Ecuatorial, Jose Novellas Salas, said that he hopes Equatorial Guinean chocolate will soon by marketed abroad. The company is well-established in Equatorial Guinea due to the especially fertile soil in the country and its potential for greater food production.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4302

Spanish businessmen visit Malabo


On Tuesday, a delegation of businessmen from the Gran Canaria Chamber of Commerce and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, led by the Director of International Trade, Begona Canate Quintana, visited Equatorial Guinea. The delegation hopes to strengthen trade between Spain and Equatorial Guinea. Horizon 2020 - Bank

During meetings with the President of the Bioko Chamber of Commerce, Gregorio Boho Camo, the two parties discussed Africa Infomarket, a platform established to improve business relations between the Canary Islands, Equatorial Guinea and West Africa. The platform is now being extended to Latin America.

Gregorio Boho Camo said that the meetings had been fruitful in strengthening trade relations between Spain and Equatorial Guinea, with plans to collaborate on the Horizon 2020 development programme discussed at length.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4298

Equatorial Guinean government partners with Hess Corporation to roll out education programme


In the Global Compact’s 2013 Global Corporate Sustainability Report, businesses were urged to address education as a top priority, with employers reporting problems in recruiting talent due to deficiencies in even basic primary education. American oil company Hess has led efforts in this area, partnering with the government of Equatorial Guinea to establish the Programa de Desarrollo Educativo de Guinea Ecuatorial (PRODEGE) education initiative.Schoolchildren

The PRODEGE initiative works to improve access to quality primary education for children in Equatorial Guinea, a national priority of the Equatorial Guinean government. The Ministry of Education and Hess have combined forces to invest in long-term initiatives. Since its inception in 2006, the project has certified over 900 primary school teachers and refurbished 54 schools, serving 3,200 children across the country.
Sarah Brown, charity campaigner, writer and wife of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, highlighted the success of the PRODEGE programme in a recent article in the Guardian newspaper.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/investment-universal-education-business-sense

Presidential couple witness vaccine development at Sanaria


President Obiang and the First Lady, Constancia Mangue Nsue de Obiang have visited the laboratories of biotechnology company Sanaria, which has been working on the advanced malaria vaccine that is due to begin trials in Equatorial Guinea next year.President Obiang at Sanaria

The visit was coordinated by Marathon Equatorial Guinea Production Ltd, Noble Energy and Medical Care Development International, all of whom are supporting the vaccine project. During their tour of Sanaria’s laboratories, the presidential couple learnt more about the research that has been undertaken into the malaria vaccine.

Marvin Rainsdon, General Manager at Marathon Equatorial Guinea Production Ltd, thanked Equatorial Guinea for its support in developing the vaccine and President Obiang reaffirmed the Equatorial Guinean government’s commitment to eradicate malaria from Africa.

The Bioko Malaria Control Programme aims to eliminate malaria within five years.

Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4291

