Equatorial Guinean President Obiang Nguema Mbasago is in New York this week to attend the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The President spoke during public debates throughout the week, during which he explained the political reforms being carried out in Equatorial Guinea.
During his speech, President Obiang explained that the government of Equatorial Guinea is taking action to improve the country’s general welfare. However, he claimed that the interference of some countries in the affairs of Equatorial Guinea represent a ‘usurpation of the authority of the United Nations.’ The president also called for the suspension of the US economic embargo on Cuba and proposed the creation of an FAO Trust Fund for food security in Africa, to which Equatorial Guinea would contribute $30 million.
Earlier this week, President Obiang met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to discuss the progress of UN activities in Equatorial Guinea. During the meeting, the Secretary-General reaffirmed ‘the UN’s commitment to continue to support the efforts of Equatorial Guinea and Gabon towards the peaceful settlement of their border dispute through referral to the International Court of Justice in a timely manner’, according to an official UN statement.
The President addressed African leaders at the Assembly again yesterday, stressing the importance of peace and security alongside progress of the Millennium Development Goals. ‘‘If there is no peace, there can be no development, and if there is no development, it would be difficult to ensure the dignity, integrity and freedom of human beings’ he said, urging the international community to cooperate for the welfare and future happiness of humanity.
President Obiang went on to describe how improved infrastructure in Equatorial Guinea had aided progress on the Millennium Development Goals, especially in improving maternal and infant health, reducing illiteracy and integrating disabled people into society. He noted that the country is collaborating with other countries in Africa to manufacture a malaria vaccine that could be used as early as 2017. Due to these efforts on the part of the government, President Obiang declared that Equatorial Guinea is set to graduate from the Least Developed Country category by 2020.
Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4271
Read more: http://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/noticia.php?id=4265
Read more: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=46037&Cr=general+debate&Cr1=#.UkUzqYZ6Z8U